
Friday, May 21, 2021

Years of silence over Netanyahu’s inflammatory politics have brought Gaza to its current crisis by Diana Buttu

"The sound of Israelis chanting “Death to Arabs” while Israel flattens entire residential buildings in the Gaza Strip has made my home in Haifa a frightening place. Across the country, my friends are witnessing similar incidents, leaving many pundits to wonder about what broke the “calm,” even after the Thursday announcement of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. But this question ignores the years of Israeli government decisions – specifically, by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – that led to this moment..." Diana Buttu

As Always Please Go To The Original Link To Read The Article In Full

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Peaceful coexistence in Israel hasn’t been shattered – it’s always been a myth... Nimer Sultany in The Guardian

 "Forced displacement, confiscation of lands, an inferior juridical status and incarceration are realities shared by all Palestinians, whether “inside” Israel or in the occupied territories. It is simply wrong to claim that a pre-existing coexistence has been shattered. Palestinians inside Israel are protesting against Israeli policies in Sheikh Jarrah and the bombardment of the heavily populated refugee prison camp that is Gaza because they see the unity and continuity in the colonial system of oppression over all Palestinians. Our protest is asserting the unity of an anti-colonial struggle for equality and freedom." Nimer Sultany

‘In the context of Israel’s rule over us, coexistence is a fiction that conceals a reality of separate and unequal lives.’ Palestinian citizens of Israel demonstrate in Haifa, to mark a nationwide general strike. Photograph: Mati Milstein/NurPhoto/Rex/Shutterstock

 As Always, Please Go to the Original Link to Read the Article in FULL

Peaceful coexistence in Israel hasn’t been shattered – it’s always been a myth

As a Palestinian from within Israel I have long been a second-class citizen, denied basic rights

Palestinian supporters march in Harrisburg: ‘We’ve been begging to be heard’ ...FREE PALESTINE

“We don’t understand that the Israeli government, which is one of the most sophisticated armies in the world, that’s funded by the largest imperial army in the world, is fighting against civilians... This is one of the worst atrocities that has happened in the history of humanity. You don’t have to be a Muslim, you don’t have to be a Christian, you don’t have to be Hindu or any other religion to know that this is a human issue.” Omar Mussa

 “For years and years, we’ve been begging to be heard and finally [there are] protests all over the country- No one has ever talked about Palestine this much,” Elisa Thabateh

"“A lot of people think it’s ‘Oh Israel has a right to defend themselves,’” Thabateh said. “From what? Palestine has a right to defend themselves and they’re trying their best. But it’s really just children against military officers.”"  

"“Because this genocide, this ethnic cleansing, it’s been going on for so long. The violence is not something that has been going on for just weeks but is a continuation of decades of conflict." Elisa Thabateh

The violence is not something that has been going on for just weeks but is a continuation of decades of conflict.

Palestinian supporters march in Harrisburg: ‘We’ve been begging to be heard’

 As Always, Please Go to the Original Link to Read the Article in FULL

Harrisburg native and Palestinian activist Elisa Thabateh speaks to the crowd at the Free Palestine rally at Riverfront Park on May 16, 2021. Photo by Becky Metrick

State- Sanctioned Violence


Bernie Sanders Mitten Meme on Israeli Apartheid Wall 2021

#Free #Palestine


Gaza Palestine 2021

Stamps from Palestine - paper is older than Israel.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Palestinian Refugees' Legal & Moral Right of Return


Friends Ghada Karmi Palestinian refugee and Ellen Seigel American Jew- advocate foe the Right of Return

1940s: The United Nations General Assembly adopts resolution 194 (III), resolving that “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.”

Bombing Children... humanity has failed


Palestinians deserve the same security, equality and right... as the Israelis CNN opinion by Dean Obeidallah


Palestinians deserve the same security, equality and right to a homeland as the Israelis

If history serves as a guide, however, after a ceasefire is reached, the conflict will slowly fade from the headlines, the world will go back to its business and the Palestinians will largely be forgotten -- yet again. For those who sincerely want to see a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, this time must be different. The world, and especially the Biden administration, cannot look away but must engage on the question of Palestine. It's 2021 -- a homeland for Palestinian Christians and Muslims is long overdue, as is safety and equality for Palestinians. 
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My Palestinian father, born in the 1930s in what was then Palestine (controlled by Britain until 1948), but now the West Bank, would tell me stories about it when I was a child in the late 1970s. This wasn't a political discussion, rather it was one focused on how my relatives and other Palestinians navigated daily life under Israeli military occupation. The limited freedom of movement, the myriad of Israeli military checkpoints that denied personal self-determination, my grandmother's land being stolen by Israeli settlers, etc... READ MORE, AS ALWAYS PLEASE GO TO THE ORIGINAL LINK TO READ THE ARTICLE IN FULL