
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Re-imagining a future .... Dalia Elcharbini at the American Museum of Palestine

The key in her hand is the symbol of every person's obvious, inalienable, natural, and normal right return to their home and land.... When you leave for work or vacation or to get out of a war zone you have a right to return to your original home. This right has been written down and called for since the horrors of the the Nazi Holocaust in 1948 with The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

and also in 1948 UN Resolution 194 "resolving that “refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date"

Femme Felah 2019 at the American Museum of Palestine

The trail of time

Artist Dalia Elcharbini creating her stylized Statue of Liberty

The American Museum of the Palestinian People opened June 2019 in Washington DC... "The museum is a first in the city and is dedicated to telling the stories of the people of Palestine, fostering a conversation about what it means to be Palestinian and nurturing a better understanding of an identity that remains highly politicised and largely obscured in the West. It’s a museum where people get introduced to the Palestinian story and Palestinians as a people, not as a news item,” says Nizar Farsakh, chairman of the museum."

"The museum’s mission statement says it hopes to create a space “where people are not marginalised because of the artificial distinctions we use to create borders between us.” 

Farsakh says he wants the museum to be a place where non-Palestinians can see themselves reflected in universal human worries, hopes and experiences. “We want visitors to come in, hear our stories told by us in our own ways, and find themselves and find what’s common for us as human beings,” he says."

Please read the article in full, and share it, pass it forward, help empower real Anti-Racism in every way you can.


"The Palestinian people hail from an ancient land with over 4,000 years of history. Empires have come and gone, only to make Palestinian culture richer and more colorful. The Museum of the Palestinian People is the first museum in Washington D.C. devoted to exploring and celebrating Palestinian history, arts and culture. It started in 2015 as a traveling exhibit, visiting over 50 locations across the country, and has now found a home in the heart of the nation’s capital. By sharing the stories of the Palestinian people with those who walk through our doors, we invite the world to discover what unites us all.
The museum:
  • Shares Palestinian stories through historic artifacts, personal narratives and artistic expression to transcend separation, fragmentation, and boundaries.
  • Connects Palestinians in the US, Palestine and the diaspora with each other to evoke pride and dignity and to impart this to future generations.
  • Partners with other institutions and connect with broader audiences committed to our shared humanity."

Re-Imagining a Future

"Re-Imagining A Future is the opening exhibition at MPP of work by artists Ahmed Hmeedat, Manal Deeb, Mohammad Mussalam, Dalia Elcharbini, and Haya Zaatry — some of whom live in Palestine, and others who are part of the Palestinian diaspora. All of the artists in this exhibition explore a new and as yet un-imagined future for Palestine and Palestinians. They invite members of the Palestinian community worldwide to let their dreams for the future soar — as an act of imaginative courage, and as an act of creative resistance. These works invite Palestinians and others to look into the future."

Friday, July 19, 2019

Real Anti-Racists... a 2019 poem by Anne Selden Annab

Shaping a better world
for all types and tribes
is a worthy goal.
Real anti-racists
do not believe that color
or religion or race or gender
(or a flag) are reasons for hate.

Real anti-racists know
and do not try to distort
or erase history.

Real anti-racists
might be found any where
but only if you look,
think, and care.

poem copyright ©2019 Anne Selden Annab

Uniting Anti-Racists

Palestinian refugees during the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine known as the ‘Nakba’ (‘The Catastrophe’)

“The Squad”: from left to right Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Presley

Trump’s blunder empowers The Squad and unites anti-racists

by · Published
We have come to live in disconcerting times of unpredictable change. Ever since the USA elected a Twitter-addicted President into power, the world has been in a continuous state of imbalance. While it may seem as if everything only plays into the hands of ‘Israel’ and its Western allies, it would be wise not to draw that conclusion too quickly. There is more at play than only the logic of geopolitics and military dominance.

On a public relations level, some of it must be making Tel Aviv quite nervous. The forces of zionism have in the past years been stepping up their game, successfully interfering with legislation in the countries of the West to suit their purposes. However, they certainly don’t seem to be as much in control as they would like to be.

The Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) has continued to gain traction among politicians and among the general public all over the world. It continues to be a thorn in the side of Israeli colonization and annexation plans. Zionist lobbies in most Western countries have been trying to counter this trend in two significant ways. One is at a purely ideological level, which has been to force a change in the official definition of ‘antisemitism’. The other has been taking place at the level of legislation, and is based on attempting to coerce countries to install laws that outlaw calls for the boycott of the state of ‘Israel’.

Before we dive below the surface, let’s first have a look at what has been happening in the lead-up to the confrontation about anti-Israeli criticsm between “The Squad” and Donald Trump.

Redefining antisemitism


In 2016, in Bucharest, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) adopted a ‘working definition’ of antisemitism. It included several definitions that were to be understood as equating any type of criticism of the state of ‘Israel’ to antisemitism. Its undeclared goal was a first step to initiate a kind of ‘purge’ in the West of its adversaries, by providing a framework for clamping down on all its critics.... READ MORE

Please read the article in full, and share it, pass it forward, help empower real Anti-Racism in every way you can.