
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

BEWARE: Don't let Racist Hate win ... a poem

Gaza October 2023

           BEWARE: Don't let Racist Hate win

TAKE NOTE: Israel wants wider war.

Wider and wider and wider...

Lebanon, Syria pulverized

then Iran... leave a waste land

with Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia,

to follow,  barricaded and bombed

into rubble

and suffering.

Israel IS WAR here in America

A war on democracy

and freedom;

A war on our Fourth Estate

and our freedom of speech

with false accusations of antisemitism.

Israel is a war on justice and equality;

A war on our values and principles;

A war on our political systems and infrastructures;

A war on all religion and all secular beliefs-

and our sanity itself.

A war on truth;

A war on our honor

and the rule of fair and just laws...

Israel is not protecting itself.

Israel thrives on having an enemy

and an excuse to wage more

& more war, because

Israel's real aim

is oil.

Yes oil, oil and wage slaves

to do the work,

and pay the fees.

Oil right now is money and power.

OIL will soon become complete control

over machinery and movement,

complete control over manufacturing

and military operations,

complete control over tourism

and film making entertainment

as oil becomes scarce...

and life becomes more & more precarious.

Oil might not have been the plan in 1948

when Jews-preferred Israel first usurped the land

in Palestine, stealing homes, gardens, jobs and peace

from the indigenous non-Jewish men, women and children.

But it is now.

Never Again means different things

to different people.

Stealthily deploying Hasbara- Zionist propaganda-

in this online age of disinformation

Racist/Zionist Israel gathers funds, support

and military weaponry

by pretending to seek peace.

Israel has been cruelly



and undermining

Arabs and Muslims and Christians

every where it can.

Israel gains money and power

while Palestinians suffer

and die- tortured and killed

by a totally racist modern regime

that pretends to be a democracy

and pretends to be America's friend.

Iraq has already been bombed-

a million living breathing feeling 

human beings killed,  a country

impoverished and crippled 

thanks to Zionists

prodding America into WAR.

PLEASE Don't let Racist Hate win.


or justice...

Israel, the ultimate snake oil salesman

wants OIL.

PLEASE Don't let Racist Hate win

here or there.

Art by Bansky in Palestine

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