
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Christian Zionism IS ANTISEMITISM

Last week, dozens of interfaith leaders and activists gathered in Washington DC to disrupt a Capitol Hill visit by Christians United for Israel (CUFI). CUFI, which claims to be the largest pro-Israel and Zionist group in the United States with around 10 million members, funds and hosts trips to Israel for US Congress members. 

God of inclusivity, it is heartbreaking that your name is used to justify violence and supremacy. Illuminate how these theologies of supremacy kill, and forgive those who subscribe to Christian Zionism, unaware of its consequences: “‘…for they do not know what they are doing…’” (Luke 23:34). Lord, as we call upon those who justify violence through the Christian faith, to repent, help us guard ourselves against the temptation of self-righteousness. 

Lord in your mercy… hear our prayer  


Monday, August 5, 2024

A Guardian report reveals that there are 60,000 Americans living in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as well as some 23,400 Americans serving in the Israeli army.

 "An estimated 60,000 US citizens live in settlements in the West Bank. Many are deeply ideological, inspired by extremist figures like Brooklyn-born Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinians in Hebron in 1994, and Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose party was designated a terror group in both the US and Israel. The justice department did not answer questions about whether it is considering any action against settlers who are US citizens.

Americans in the IDF

An estimated 23,380 US citizens serve in Israel’s armed forces, according to the Washington Post – a figure the IDF did not confirm but probably includes both Americans traveling to Israel for the purpose of service and Israeli-raised soldiers holding dual citizenship." ... READ MORE  

"The Guardian ends its report by quoting Oona Hathaway, an academic at Yale Law School: "The US government could prosecute these US citizens if they participate in war crimes. Politically, however, that’s unlikely, for all the obvious reasons.” "For all the obvious reasons." That's how the article ends. Wouldn't you just love to see the Guardian and Prof Hathaway explain exactly what those reasons are? But apparently they are so "obvious" the Guardian and an academic at a prestige university feel, as ever, there is no need to put them into words." 

James J. Zogby: "Israel assassinates Hizbollah & Hamas leaders sabotaging ceasefire talks & goading Iran to retaliate...

What does US do? 

We send our troops, a warship, & other military assets, risking involvement in Israel’s war & telling Netanyahu he can do whatever he wants & we’ll back him up" 

Adam Patric Miller: Looking at the good, the bad and the ugly of last school year

 "The bad: I work at a school where I witnessed and participated in the freedom of speech being quashed by a small group of vocal and powerful parents. I teach Elie Wiesel’s “Night,” Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” and George Orwell’s “1984” and guide students to connect literature to current events. Last year, it was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine. This year, Israel and what continues to happen in Gaza. I asked: What qualifies as genocide? I said: Consider your tax dollars and your parents’ tax dollars and your teacher’s tax dollars that contribute to bombs falling from the sky on women and children and babies in Gaza. Not to think about that, I said, was bad." 

Adam Patric Miller: Looking at the good, the bad and the ugly of last school year 

A man wears a keffiyeh near the U.S. Capitol during a pro-Palestinian rally May 18, 2024, on the National Mall in Washington.(Jacquelyn Martin/AP)

July 19, 2024

This is the part of summer break when I check my blood pressure at the community center and find out it has dropped enough so the machine no longer recommends that I consult my doctor Immediately. I have space and time to reflect. This last school year has provided me with three things to consider: the good, the bad and the ugly.

The good: My students showed up to classes with energy; they worked to achieve, with some joy, what their teacher required of them; and, by year’s end, each demonstrated they can read and write better, whether the topic is a boating accident that almost killed a person or a graphic novel about a girl growing up during the time of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. One of my students, a boy with dark curly hair and an offbeat sense of humor, stopped by my office to say, “Hey, Mr. Miller. I just want you to know I’m sorry about what’s been happening.” That relates to the ugly but is still part of the good — he showed care for his teacher and thought about complicated events for himself.... READ MORE