
Friday, May 10, 2024

Will our own democracy and established Fourth Estate survive the decades old insidious invasion of a very foreign country that pretends to be our friend, but really is no one's friend, including its own Apartheid building citizens?

On December 10, 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created following WWII and the horrors, abuses,and atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust.

 Dear Biden ...etc....

Netanyahu's stated goal with Israel's war on Gaza is to destroy HAMAS. That is a line and a lie, just like the old Zionist line and lie "A land for a people for a people without a land". Life pre-1948 in The Holy Land was Palestinian: Arab Christian, Muslim and Jewish Palestinians living very civilized lives in an exceptionally beautiful place. 

HAMAS did not even exist until 1987- forty years after the West imposed the partition plans to create Israel on the Arab world, and twenty years after Israel usurped every inch of historic Palestine with its (Israel's ongoing) illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

All along invading Zionists have wanted the land, but not the indigenous people of that land. 

Israel has consistently ignored borders, basic human rights, and international law. 

The land grabbing shenanigans and torture tactics of Zionist bigots are only possible because "Israel-proper" finances illegal settlements, military installations and multiple IDF checkpoints aimed at tormenting and destroying Palestinians. 

Israel wants excuses to further terrorize, displace, and destroy Palestinians in every possible way, and Zionists want American money, weaponry and support for this cruel enterprise.  Meanwhile corrupt politicians in America want AIPAC money and approval.

The Zionist con-job worked for decades on U.S. but in today's online world Israeli violence and Zionist cruelty are being live-streamed 24/7 on our children's cell phones, skipping over the gate keepers of our major newspapers and politicians.  

Will our own democracy and established Fourth Estate survive the decades old insidious invasion of a very foreign country that pretends to be our friend, but really is no one's friend, including its own Apartheid building citizens?

Awareness of The Nazi Holocaust should be a motivation to say NEVER AGAIN to Israel. 


Anne Selden Annab


Maps illustrating Israel (& Palestine) 1947 Partition plan, the 1949 Armistice Lines, the 1967 borders, the border jumping convoluted Israeli-made Apartheid wall, maps of Jewish-only Settlements and IDF Checkpoints in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza.

UN agency closes East Jerusalem HQ after arson attack by ‘Israeli extremists’ Unrwa chief says compound has faced a number of attacks, with lives of UN staff at serious risk

The New Yorker: The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want to Be Heard. What explains the student movement against the war in Gaza? Sometimes the correct answer is the one right in front of you. By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

A conversation in a cafe

NPR: Israel seized control of the Rafah border crossing. The impact could be devastating

CSM: Israel arms shipment on hold as US weighs new accountability

The Key of Return 🗝️ Symbol of Hope, Freedom, and Resilience: The Key of Return Unlocks Palestine's Promised Future 🇵🇸 ❤️

Once upon a time, not terribly long ago... ‏ Miss Palestine with her two Runners-Up: Beauty in a peaceful country (Palestine) before 1947

Queen Rania of Jordan: ‘What’s happening in Gaza today… is a war crime’ ...

Israel Officially Banned the Palestine Flag from 1967 to1993 (Occupation to Oslo) ... WATERMELONS

Israel is banning Al Jazeera, America is banning TikTok. We know why: What the two laws have in common is desire to silence Israel-Gaza war critics.

‘Man Number 4’ by Selma Dabbagh in the London Review of Books

There is ‘nowhere safe to go’ for the 600,000 children of Rafah, warns UNICEF

Americans should not be helping racist Israel maim, wound and kill the children of Palestine.

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."

Gaza's Christians face subdued Easter Sunday amid Israel's bombs: With Israel's war continuing to rage in Gaza, Christians in the strip face sombre Easter Sunday ceremonies, with festivities curtailed.

‘World powers allowing Israel to keep killing Gaza journalists to hide war crimes’

6 days before the 2nd anniversary of Israel's killing of correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh: Israel to shut down local offices and broadcasrs of Al Jazeera in Ar & En, seize equipment used for its broadcasts; & limit access to its websites

Razia Iqbal: I teach democracy at Princeton. Student protesters are getting an education like no other- Students across the US are forging bonds in the face of brutal power structures. You might say they’ve already won

Academic freedom and free speech are essential. Universities must protect them. - ACLU's Open Letter to College and University Presidents on Student Protests

Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies? ... Useful idiots keep parroting provably false Israeli talking points. Mehdi Hasan in The Guardian

Historical Maps of PALESTINE (or the) HOLY LAND

Part of Israel's nefarious Ethnic Cleansing campaign is stealing the story- pressuring newspapers and politicians worldwide to favor "The Jewish State" above and beyond all else. Israel Uber Alis.

"For the White House to allow pro-Israel “word police” to define what is & isn’t acceptable language is a dangerous abuse of power" James J Zogby ... & Annie's Notes about the real meanings of some very crucial words that are being badly misconstrued by Biden & the Zionist Word Police

Arresting students and banning Tiktok will not stifle the truth about Israeli crimes against humanity.

"Fast Times in Palestine" by Pamela Olson is free to download "Funny, gorgeous, shocking, and galvanizing, Fast Times in Palestine challenges the way we think not only about the Middle East but about human nature and our place in the world"

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world


A scene taken before 1934, Matson Collection Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Palestine

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