
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The RED LINE happened way back in 1948 when Zionist terrorists murdered Palestinians, destroyed Palestinian homes and villages, and pushed countless Palestinians into poverty and forced exile.

Dear America,

Biden provides the bombshells, Republicans autograph the bombs... and American companies provide the jet-fuel to Israel as Israeli lies and toxic propaganda inspire America's elected Representatives to propose that Americans serving in the IDF's genocidal war against Palestinian men, women,and children be awarded U.S. service member benefits.

It is bad enough that American taxpayers are already forced to fund The Jewish State's cruel shenanigans- the Apartheid Wall and the illegal settlements, as well as Israel's extensive and invasive propaganda war aimed at interfering in American elections so that pro-Israel story lines will continue to flourish- swatting away any and all sympathy and support for Palestine (& UNWRA.)

Zionist students on American college campuses claim antisemitism is everywhere and they don't feel safe, inspiring our Congress to harass College presidents for allowing peaceful pro-Palestine protests on campuses.  Meanwhile Israel has bombed and destroyed every university, as well as multiple schools and hospitals in Gaza.  Did the Palestinian children killed by Israel feel safe as American made bombs pulverized their homes? 

Israel’s military offensive in Rafah has put the lives of 600,000 displaced Palestinian children at risk, according to UNICEF, with many now malnourished or disabled.

America's mainstream news and our elected leadership are obsessed with promoting Zionists and Zionism- and Israel's blatantly racist war on the indigenous people of Palestine. 

You are leadership- and you are leading people astray.  

The RED LINE happened way back in 1948 when Zionist terrorists murdered Palestinians, destroyed Palestinian homes and villages, and pushed countless Palestinians into poverty and forced exile.  76 years later a new generation of Zionist terrorists are bombing refugee camps that only exist due to Israel's racist refusal to respect international law and basic human rights, including but not limited to every refugee's right to return to original homes and lands.


Anne Selden Annab


Reschenthaler, Miller Introduce Legislation to Support American Citizens Fighting in Israel

Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry

Biden provided the bombs, Republicans autograph them... Nikki Haley signs artillery shells in Israel: 'Finish them! America ♡ Israel!' ... "Imperial feminism, everyone. A message written in purple marker, like she's doodling in someone's yearbook instead of co-signing a genocide" Susan Muaddi Darraj

Cut the supply line of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, says rights group with the aim of “genocide prevention by third states, companies and civil society actors”

West Bank village, proudly self-reliant, now faces wartime hostility [from Israel]

Israel’s military offensive in Rafah has put the lives of 600,000 displaced children at risk, according to UNICEF, with many now malnourished or disabled... At least 36,171 Palestinians have been killed and 81,420 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7.

Israeli forces have bombed a tent camp housing displaced people in a designated safe zone in Rafah, killing 45 Palestinians, most of them women and children.

UN rapporteur urges states to cut ties, impose sanctions on Israel UN expert Francesca Albanese is calling for sanctions on Israel until it complies with the ICJ's ruling to halt its Rafah offensive.

Prairie Schooner Fusion #12 Archives: Palestinian poets and poets from the back issues of the Schooner collaborate on a special portfolio of poetry exploring the theme of “Archive”...

217 DAYS OF ISRAEL BOMBING GAZA: 14,500 Palestinian Children Killed by Israel... 493 Palestine Healthcare workers killed by Israel... 78,514 Palestinians injured by Israel & so far ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR WAR CRIMES

As one war rages in Gaza, in the West Bank another goes unnoticed. Military operations, destruction, movement restrictions, and poverty generate fear, uncertainty, and anxiety among Palestine Refugee communities.

The ICC's request for arrest warrants has created a diplomatic dilemma for Western member states: do they support Israel or international law?

Israel raids, forces medical staff to leave Gaza Al-Awda Hospital... "More than 35,700 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the vast majority being women and children, and nearly 80,000 others injured since October."

'Where are our loved ones?': Palestinians in search of missing family members amid Gaza war

Decades of spying and repression: the anti-Palestinian origins of American Islamophobia - It’s often assumed that Islamophobia is the driving force behind US anti-Palestinian bigotry. In fact, it’s the other way around

Diplomatic Missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah condemn escalating settler violence and displacement during visit to Northern Jordan Valley communities

US surveillance of pro-Palestinian speech has a direct line to McCarthyism - Chip Gibbons in The Guardian

The UN says 1.1 million people in the coastal strip – nearly half the population – face catastrophic levels of hunger, and that the territory is on the brink of famine.

Palestinian refugees in Gaza- AFSC Defending a displaced people

Apartheid and Genocide ARE NOT JEWISH VALUES

Israel-Gaza war Biden wants progressives to believe he’s reining in Israel. He isn’t. Biden will be remembered as a president who could have restrained Israel but instead made the US complicit in this war- Mohamad Bazzi

Dear President Biden... Connect The Dots

An ICJ Excerpt: "This genocide takes place within the context of the ongoing Nakba –– the 76th anniversary of which was celebrated yesterday –– the continued forced displacement of the Palestinian people, the erasure of Palestinian presence in Palestine and replacement with colonial settlers –– a criminal process entrenched and maintained by 76 years of apartheid and 56 years of illegal belligerent occupation... " 

Palestine Nakba 1948-2024 

Anti-Defamation League ramps up lobbying to promote controversial definition of antisemitism : Federal records show a dramatic spending increase that critics say is primarily intended to punish criticism of Israel and target pro-Palestinian groups

On Nakba Day, as Palestinians run for their lives, Biden advances $1 billion in arms sales to Israel – Day 221

From 1948 to 2024, three Palestinian sisters speak of endless Nakba For Dalal

‘Barbaric’: Palestinian lorry drivers recount settlers’ attack on Gaza aid convoy- Israeli soldiers escorting convoy accused of doing nothing to stop widely condemned incident

The Nakba Explained- May 15th is the day commemorating the Nakba—a term used to denote Palestinians’ forced expulsion from their homeland by Zionist forces in 1948. 

Palestinian artist Sliman Mansour reflects on the impact of the Gaza war, the life and legacy of his friend Fathi Ghaben, and the role of art under occupation.

Palestinians are living a new Nakba: survivor of 1948 says

76 years after #Nakba, Palestinians continue to be forcibly displaced. 

Nakba yesterday, Nakba today: The story of my grandmother's two keys- Ghefreh has lived through two Nakbas, 1948 and today. Her grandson Emad Moussa tells her story of twinned displacement and how they've now blurred into one.

There are enough weapons of war and destruction already on planet earth.

Please stop aiding and abetting Israeli insanity. Full Stop.

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang 



"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."

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