
Monday, November 15, 2010

LATimes THANK YOU for publishing Hanan Ashrawi's most recent article on Palestine.

AnneSeldenAnnab at 11:36 AM November 15, 2010

THANK YOU for publishing Hanan Ashrawi's most recent article on Palestine. I have long admired Ashrawi's heroic perseverance and dignity- and her obvious ability to clearly explain the facts to a mainstream American audience. When the goal is a just and lasting peace, it becomes more and more obvious that the choice at hand is not one state VS two states. Modern reality is that the only real choice is a secular two state solution and settlement right now, to once and for ALL stop perpetuating and exasperating the Israel/Palestine conflict.


Israeli actions jeopardize two-state solution

Israel's refusal to cease Jewish settlement construction will make it impossible to create a viable Palestinian state. Failure of the two-state solution has ramifications for the region and the U.S.

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