
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dear America- Israel can not be trusted, and should not be subsidized

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty"  A powerful art piece by: farrincreates  Palestine Online
 Dear America,

If you follow the right people and groups on social media (so far mainly Instagram, X/Twitter, Tictoc) you will see testimonials and witness accounts often including photographic proof and videos of what the children of Palestine have been suffering through thanks to American made bombs and bigotry on our part- and Israel.

We have a Holocaust Museum here in the United States which should be leading the public outcry against Israel's cruel oppression and displacement of the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine.  Instead this American museum along with most all American mainstream media and America's elected leaders are dropping the proverbial ball, day after day- for decades now, as our tax dollars are used to help Israel harass and impoverish more indigenous Arabs. 

Currently there is a bunch of RAH RAH RAH for our upcoming elections. Sadly no one uses their podiums to

1. Clearly call for freedom OF and FROM religion. 

2. Stop aiding and abetting Israel's long-term and flagrant violations of international law and basic human rights.  

We still have Freedom of Speech here in America, but we might not for long.  So while you can, before it is too late please heed the signs:  "NOT ANOTHER BOMB"; "Fund Schools not weapons" ; "Stop the Massacre in Gaza" ; "Israel is making the world unsafe" ; "Free Palestine"...   and start caring about the very real plight and suffering of the men, women, and children of Palestine.

Israel can not be trusted, and should not be subsidized. 


Anne Selden Annab


Germany's Berlin police raided and shut down a pro-Palestine event organised by a Jewish group in April 2024

Arwa Mahdawi: This war [on Palestine] isn’t just being waged with bombs, it’s being waged with “euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness” When you lay out what is happening in clear language, it is indefensible. So political language dresses all those dead and starving children up in euphemism.

CSM: ‘Waiting to see if I will survive’: A Gaza reporter caught in the war she’s covering ..."We no longer even bother to ask where humanity has gone."

An engineered genocide... Israel's genocide in Gaza isn't just about brutal mass murder, it's also about deliberately creating "conditions calculated to bring about the destruction of the population"

Send an honorable message far and wide- we believe in freedom of and from religion... and we believe in real justice, peace, and security for ALL !

Tisha B’Av is a day of immense Jewish sorrow... WE MOURN the 76-year ongoing NAKBA- the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, driven from their homes by violence

Palestinian Presidency holds the United States responsible for Israel’s massacre at Al-Tabi’in school 10 August 2024

Christian Zionism IS ANTISEMITISM

A Guardian report reveals that there are 60,000 Americans living in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as well as some 23,400 Americans serving in the Israeli army.

James J. Zogby: "Israel assassinates Hizbollah & Hamas leaders sabotaging ceasefire talks & goading Iran to retaliate...

Accusing peaceful pro-Palestine protesters of being "antisemitic" pleases Israel but it does not make any Jews any safer anywhere.


"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."

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