
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My letter to the CSM RE West Bank settlements become havens of Israeli surburbanites, Growth driven less by ideology than by middle-class economics..

(Photograph) Palestinian workers (right) complete Shlomit and Boaz Cohen’s home in Tekoa.
Yasmine Soiffer / Special to The Christian Science Monitor

RE: West Bank settlements become havens of Israeli surburbanites, Growth driven less by ideology than by middle-class economics could strain peace talks.

Dear Editor,

"Occupation by suburbanization" sums it up perfectly- THANK YOU for publishing this revealing story about the land grabbing settlement projects. Obviously Israel's generous subsidies, as well as its matrix of roads and IDF support, make these illegal land grabbing colonies more likely- but it is the individual that really bankrolls, sustains, and benefits from the settlement enterprise.

Meanwhile Palestinian men, women and children are walled away from their own land and unable to even see their own relatives, much less enjoy their own heritage- all so that Israeli Settlers can easily zip back into Israel-proper to work or visit family and friends. Perhaps the first best step in ending the occupation would be to open up all the roads for all the people, regardless of supposed religion or nationality: Israelis should wait with Palestinians at every checkpoint instead of getting preferential treatment.

Anne Selden Annab

West Bank settlements become havens of Israeli surburbanites
Growth driven less by ideology than by middle-class economics could strain peace talks.
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Israeli settlements: Where, when, and why they're built 09/15/2009

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