
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Israel rescues 4 hostages today - headlines world wide celebrate this... meanwhile Palestinian prisoners- hostages of Israel- are being raped: Since the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, more than 800,000 Palestinians [including children] have been detained under Israeli military orders in the occupied Palestinian territory

June 2024: A massive demonstration took place in London to support the Palestinian people and condemn the brutal Israeli massacre in the Al-Nusairat refugee camp.

The Israeli military has now rescued a total of 7, & killed 70 of their own hostages. Their kill-to-rescue ratio stands at 10:1. You can only deem this a success if you share the Israeli government’s view that the destruction of Gaza is worth more than the lives of hostages.
Gaza June 2024: Part of the massive destruction in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip has been caused by Israel's massacre and unprecedented bombing.

Buried at the end of a long, 3,800-word New York Times article on Israel's secret torture prison are details that Palestinian inmates are being raped.
 To continue the Gaza genocide, Israel and the US must destroy the laws of war.   
An Israeli army battle tank operates in southern Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip on May 29, 2024-afp
The world's two highest courts have made an implacable enemy of Israel in trying to uphold international law and end Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

Separate announcements last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) should have forced Israel on to the back foot in Gaza.

A panel of judges at the ICJ – sometimes known as the World Court – demanded last Friday that Israel immediately stop its current offensive on Rafah, in southern Gaza. 

Instead, Israel responded by intensifying its atrocities.

On Sunday, it bombed a supposedly "safe zone" crowded with refugee families forced to flee from the rest of Gaza, which has been devastated by Israel’s rampage for the past eight months. 

The air strike set fire to an area crammed with tents, killing dozens of Palestinians, many of whom burnt alive. A video shows a man holding aloft a baby beheaded by the Israeli blast.

Hundreds more, many of them women and children, suffered serious injuries, including horrifying burns. 

Israel has destroyed almost all of the medical facilities that could treat Rafah's wounded, as well as denying entry to basic medical supplies such as painkillers that could ease their torment... READ MORE



Political Prisoners in Israel/Palestine

103 Israelis are possibly being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 9,000 are currently imprisoned by Israel.

Number of Political Prisoners Currently Being Held

103 Israelis (one, a Bedouin Muslim) are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 9,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

“Since the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been detained under Israeli military orders in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). This number constitutes approximately 20 percent of the total Palestinian population in the oPt and as much as 40 percent of the total male Palestinian population… 8,000 Palestinian children have been arrested since 2000.”


#Infographic| Based on 100 testimonies of released Palestinian detainees from #Gaza, Euro-Med Monitor documents 42 forms of torture and inhumane and degrading treatment in Israeli prisons and detention centers. Full report

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Manger Square 120 years ago. Photo taken from the church with the Masjid Umar in the background. A 120 years ago, Palestinians could travel without being shot at a check point or be worried their animals would be die because the settlers poisoned their water wells.

Manger Square 120 years ago. Photo taken from the church with the Masjid Umar in the background. A 120 years ago, Palestinians could travel without being shot at a check point or be worried their animals would be die because the settlers poisoned their water wells.

Gaza now has the largest population of child amputees in the world.


Gaza now has the largest population of child amputees in the world.

Don't give Israel the power to destroy the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, International Law, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights... and America.

 Dear Elected Leaders,

80 years since D-Day marking the turning point in WWII.

80 years ago American heroes working with Allied heroes risked their lives to help end a monstrous regime. 

Many died when America stepped up and helped save the world from the cruel and murderous Nazi regime that was convincing decent people to endorse racist attitudes and war mongering ways.

America was respected then.  Sadly not so much anymore. 

Modern times are revealing a very different form of threat- an enemy within America subverting our Fourth Estate and actively corrupting our politicians: Zionist propaganda, bribes, bully tactics, and manipulative interference from a very foreign country are aggressively undermining our ideals, our security, and the future of our democracy.

This modern international threat to our freedom has been flying under the radar since before WWI & WWII.  Jews are not to blame for it, but the so-called "Jewish State" is as heavily armed ideologues advocating segregation and apartheid policies intentionally impoverish and displace the native non-Jewish men, women and children of historic Palestine.

Do you honestly believe that Israel will stop its war mongering ways once every Palestinian is either dead or silenced and 1.) pushed off their ancestral lands & 2.) bombed in their refugee camps... and every pro-Palestine supporter is harassed, doxed, and denied good jobs.

Please STOP fortifying racist Israel's apartheid laws, walls, and war mongering ways.

Don't give Israel the power to destroy the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, International Law, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights... and America.

No more weapons for Zionist war mongers and Israeli disinformation campaigns. 

Full respect for basic human rights and the rule of fair and just laws is the best way forward, both here and there. 


Anne Selden Annab


Ghada Karmi and Ellen Siegel, in 1973, 1992 and 2011. Photos by Francis Khoo (1, 2) and Jean-Pascal Deillon (3).

In Search of Fatima - A Palestinian Story by Ghada Karmi

Israeli Racism & Zionist Violence Creates An Ongoing Nakba with Palestinians Displaced- again and again pushed into forced exile: Top photo Palestinain refugees in 1948 Bottom photo Palestinian refugees in 2024

The RED LINE happened way back in 1948 when Zionist terrorists murdered Palestinians, destroyed Palestinian homes and villages, and pushed countless Palestinians into poverty and forced exile.

Connect The Dots

There are enough weapons of war and destruction already on planet earth.

Please stop aiding and abetting Israeli insanity. Full Stop.

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang 




"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."