Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My letter to the NYTimes RE How Arabs Can Defeat Sectarianism By Marwan Muasher

AN ARAB AMERICAN CALL FOR UNITY...  a concert with beautiful voices expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and their steadfastness and perseverance.
RE How Arabs Can Defeat Sectarianism

Dear Editor,

Good to see Jordan's exploring "How Arabs Can Defeat Sectarianism" in the New York Times.  Much of what he said makes sense, and is excellent advice at a very troubled time for the Middle East. 

The easiest and most obvious divide to point out right now is between Sunni-Shiite, but within both those groups there are subdivisions, and there will be even more subdivisions as time goes on, just as there has been within the Christian church.  Religious and ethnic differences are part of life, and part of every country.  Religious extremists, racists, opportunists and criminals are too, but with the rule of fair and just laws far more people have far less sympathy for religious extremists and racists. 

America's strength is rooted in an inspiring Constitution and Bill of Rights, but America's real strength does not come not from official decrees. America's strength comes from private, personal efforts to make our local communities, our homes and our schools and our country and our world, all a better place- for everyone's sake. Investing thought into our marketplace of ideas, and investing time and money in the arts and sciences and education, in museums and the preservation of history, in the protection and enjoyment of nature in the wild, as well as in our own private gardens and public parks, are a few of the many various ways that individuals and families have been nation building America for generations... all of that adds up into a building a positive identity and an allegiance for a country worth caring about. It also helps build a stronger economy with more job opportunities for more people.

In looking for ways America might be able to help curb religious extremism, sectarian strife, and refugee crises in the Middle East, our own political and religious leaders, as well as our fourth estate, would be wise to put some serious energy and compassion into helping Israel and Palestine end the Israel-Palestine conflict with a fully secular two state solution based on full respect for international law and universal human rights.

Anne Selden Annab

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Sources ...a poem (for Palestine)

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  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
The Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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