Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"We Refuse to Be Enemies" a briefing call with Daoud Nassar, a Palestinian farmer

"We Refuse to Be Enemies" with Daoud Nassar
Tuesday, May 20th at 4:00 PM (East Coast Time)

Please join CMEP for a briefing call on Tuesday, May 20th, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time to hear the insights of Daoud Nassar from the Tent of Nations. 

The Nassars are a Palestinian Christian family of farmers who live surrounded by Israeli settlements. Although they live under the constant threat of land confiscation, they strive to maintain a haven of peace through their work with the Tent of Nations Project. Living out the dream of their father, Tent of Nations has become a center for peace and local education. 

Visitors from all over the world, including Israelis, come to discuss peace strategies, learn organic farming methods, teach at the Women's Education Center, and lead activities at Youth Summer Camps. In spite of destructive threats by Israeli Defense Forces and neighboring hostile settlers, the Tent of Nations has become an outlet for pursuing a just peace through non-violent activism. At their front gate, a sign reads in three languages, "We Refuse to be Enemies".

While registration is not required for the event, if you would like to receive a reminder about the event and a post-event link to the briefing please register here.

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Formed in 1984, Churches for Middle East Peace is a coalition of 25 national Church denominations and organizationsincluding Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditions. It works to encourage U.S. government policies that actively promote a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ensuring security, human rights and religious freedom for all people of the region.

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