Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Dear President Biden- American taxpayers should not be forced to fund Israeli crimes against humanity


We keep keys
Dear President Biden (etc),

Flagrantly violating international law and universal basic human rights- Israel is in the wrong.  And so is America for blessing Israel with American tax payers' hard earned money, plus an unending plethora of lethal weaponry:

Religion should be a personal, private choice, not a state funded project.  America should not funding and arming religious preferences in the Middle East- stoking violence, religious extremism, illegal settlements & ugly bigotry with horrific ramifications.

Israel has been utilizing bullets, bombs, detentions, torture, displacement, and character assassinations, plus Apartheid laws, walls, & policies in order to starve and ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of the indigenous non-Jewish people whose ancestry is firmly rooted in historic Palestine.

UNWRA was established shortly after WWII when The Universal Declaration of Human Rights & Israel were established.  UNWRA would no longer exist if Israel had started a just and lasting peace in 1948 by respecting the Palestinian refugees' inalienable right to return to original homes and lands.

Churning out more and more refugees and punishing them when they dare object to further displacement and poverty, Israel has become a genocidal war machine.  

America needs to wake up and shake off delusions that Israel is our friend.  Do not trust Israeli news and information. They want our money and support, and for decades they have been deploying multiple skilled propagandists and bully tactics in order to dupe American leadership into doing their bidding.  

Please stop doing Israel's bidding. Stand up for American ideals and security... stand up for real freedom, equality and justice for all human beings, regardless of supposed race or religion.  

Exercise Golden Rule thinking by empowering international law, universal human rights, fair policies, and good investments.

Aid for starving children IS a good investment.  


Anne Selden Annab

NOTES  https://anniesnewletters.blogspot.com/search/label/Notes

"Of course Israel deliberately killed @WCKitchen workers and of course the kitchen will halt its operations in Gaza. That’s exactly what Israel wants….to further starve Palestinians." Diana Buttu

If you're shocked that 7 food aid workers were killed, wait until you hear about the murders of Palestinian journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, ambulance drivers, mothers, fathers, and the children the children the children #ceasefirenow

Dean Obeidallah: Two words  [#FreePalestine] that made Ramy Youssef’s ‘SNL’ monologue historic 

Dean Obeidallah CNN Opinion: "... Hearing someone on national network television say the words “Free Palestine” — and having the audience spontaneously burst into applause — is not something I’ve seen before. It’s something I wish my late father, a Palestinian immigrant to the US, had been alive to see.

Israeli army destroyed completely Al Shifa hospital, Gaza, Palestine - Witnesses say hundreds of bodies were found inside al-Shifa Medical Complex and outside in the surrounding streets.

Easter Sunday: The Nazarene (الناصري), oil on canvas, 1993 painting by Sliman Mansour

Handala by Time

Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al Ali's Handala & the Palestinian Diaspora

Easter Vigil for Gaza - Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac in Bethlehem Palestine 2024

A big reason so many of us are speaking up for Palestine is because we recieved Holocaust education not because we lack it: NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE

Palestinian artist: Rawan Anani “Women and Olive Trees- Jerusalem” (2024)

Land Day 2024 Palestine: In 1976 it was 6 unarmed farmers murdered by Israeli forces, this year it is more than 32,704 + Palestinian people murdered by Israeli forces, mostly women & children have been killed

Harvesting oranges in Palestine - 1937

‘They kept us alive for thousands of years’: could saving Palestinian seeds also save the world? Vivien Sansour, founder of the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library, believes biodiversity will save the planet in the climate crisis

Satellite analysis shows farms devastated and nearly half of the territory’s trees razed. Alongside mounting air and water pollution, experts say Israel’s onslaught on Gaza’s ecosystems has made the area unlivable

Don't Look Left: A Diary of Genocide by Atef Abu Saif- due out May 16, 2024 in paperback

US State Dept human rights officer latest to resign in Gaza protest: "She [Annelle Sheline] said she saw firsthand how US credibility has degraded... as the [Israel/Gaza]war progressed."

“The genocide in Gaza is the most extreme stage of a long-standing settler colonial process of erasure of the native Palestinians,” United Nations News: Rights expert finds ‘reasonable grounds’ genocide is being committed in Gaza

Israel’s attempt to destroy Unrwa is part of its starvation strategy in Gaza

Hate is evil and leads to evil things. Please no more wars and weaponry for Israel.

1963 Martin Luther King Jr's I Have A Dream speech about equity for all still rings true: "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children"      https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/i-have-a-dream-speech

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world

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