Sunday, July 27, 2014

My letter to the NYTimes RE Hope in the Abattoir, The Shared Destiny of Israel and Gaza by Roger Cohen

Israeli Arabs caught in the middle of Gaza war: Jafar Farah, director of Mossawa, the advocacy center for Arab citizens in Israel, said Israeli Arabs had a particularly hard time because they could see the suffering and growing extremism on both sides: "What the army is doing in Gaza is just creating more enemies. Our identification is not with Hamas, it is with the Palestinian people." In this Friday, March 30, 2012, file photo, Arab Israeli protesters wave Palestinian flags as they gather to mark the annual Land Day event in the Arab Village of Dir Hana, northern Israel. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit, File)

RE:  Hope in the Abattoir, The Shared Destiny of Israel and Gaza by Roger Cohen

Dear Editor,

It feels true, as poet Seamus Heaney observed, that “It is difficult at times to repress the thought that history is about as instructive as an abattoir.”

However there are valuable lessons we have learned from history that have shaped modern law and social attitudes to help secure more freedom, more justice, more prosperity, and more peace for more people. 

Right now both Jews-preferred Israel and Islamists all through out the region have been contributing to a horrifically tragic and increasingly dangerous situation whereby there is substantially less freedom, justice, prosperity or peace for many people.

Countless children and their parents are being traumatized and/or maimed, wounded, killed because of the escalating Israel-Palestine conflict and all the many armed religious fanatics influenced by that conflict.

Ending the Israel-Palestine conflict with a just and lasting peace shaped by two fully secular, fully sovereign nation states, one called Israel and one called Palestine living side by side in peace and security, is the only way to stop the many negative ramifications of the Israel-Palestine conflict from getting even worse.

Anne Selden Annab

Side by Side: Parallel Histories of Israel-Palestine... "An eye-opening—and inspiring—new approach to thinking about one of the world’s most deeply entrenched conflicts"
ATFP Panel on Israeli-Palestinian War in a New Regional Landscape... & a firm call for an immediate ceasefire

What Israel and Hamas are really trying to accomplish in Gaza... "The sole purpose of this war with Israel is to force Egypt to change its policies"

Palestinians die in the most cynical of all military games

Syrian refugees, sectarian tensions endanger Lebanon

"I have yet to meet a refugee who wanted to be a refugee and even less so, who wished to remain a refugee. Palestine refugees are no different. Their call for a just and lasting solution to their plight must be heard." UNWRA's Pierre Krähenbühl on World Refugee Day

America/Israel/Palestine 1776

STAY CONNECTED... Given the U.S. commitment to religious freedom, and to the international covenants that guarantee it as the inalienable right of every human being, the United States seeks to: Promote freedom of religion and conscience throughout the world as a fundamental human right and as a source of stability for all countries

UNITED NATIONS: International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 2014

Reasonable voices & helpful resources ...America for Palestine MAY 2014

Normalizing Intelligent Conversations, Diplomatic Support, and Hope for Palestine: American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP)

The American Task Force on Palestine supports Palestinian institution-building, good governance, anti-corruption measures, economic development, and improved living standards. ATFP holds that these same values are relevant to the broader Arab world, and that the question of Palestine is inextricably linked to regional realities and developments.

ATFP provides an independent voice for Palestinian-Americans and their supporters and advances human rights and peace. It categorically and unequivocally condemns all violence against civilians, no matter the cause and who the victims or perpetrators may be.

ATFP Calls for De-Escalation between Israel and the Palestinians
July 8, 2014, Washington, DC -- The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) today called on Israel and the Palestinians to de-escalate as quickly as possible from an increasingly explosive situation and a moment of grave peril. Major airstrikes on Gaza have killed numerous Palestinians, reportedly including several children, today while another heavy barrage of rocket fire from Gaza was launched towards southern Israel, and at least one rocket being reportedly shot down over Tel Aviv. Today's violence comes in the context of tit-for-tat killings of, and attacks on, Israeli and Palestinian teenagers in Jerusalem, widespread tensions in the West Bank, and even growing unrest among Palestinian citizens of Israel.

ATFP called on all sides to demonstrate leadership and to take immediate and concrete actions to de-escalate the growing conflict and refrain from inflammatory rhetoric. ATFP urged all parties to consider the negative consequences of similar conflagrations in the past, and recall that they did not benefit either side, militarily or politically, but caused the deaths of countless innocent civilians, enormous destruction of property, and widespread and lasting misery. ATFP urged President Barack Obama and the rest of the international community to use their good offices to ensure that all prospects for resolving the crisis are fully explored.

The Arab villages lost since Israel's war of independence - Guardian Interactive: ...Pre 1948 ...March 1948 ... May 1948 ...June 1948 ...Oct 1948 ...July 1949 ...Now

Remembering the Nakba: Israeli group puts 1948 Palestine back on the map Zochrot aims to educate Israeli Jews – through tours and a new phone app – about a history obscured by enmity and denial

Growing Gardens for Palestine: "And it's up to all of us together"... a Spring poem for Palestine & peace

Peace Building ... civic muscle

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

"The only way to honor our tragic histories is to create a future for our children free of man-made tragedy. This means making peace fully, completely and without reservation, between Israel and Palestine." American Task Force on Palestine's born in Jerusalem Dr. Ziad Asali: To honor a tragic history, we must work for peace

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