Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My letter to INYTimes RE How Palestinian Hate Prevents Peace By Yuval Steinitz & The Middle East Pendulum By Roger Cohen

Section of a stained glass window at a church in Surrey, UK
RE: How Palestinian Hate Prevents Peace By Yuval Steinitz & The Middle East Pendulum By Roger Cohen

Dear Editor,

A shame to see the newly rebranded "International New York Times" start out by featuring opinion writers who are obsessed with belittling and insulting Palestinians- in addition to, or perhaps as part of, demanding that efforts must be made to ensure Israel's "
future as a Jewish and democratic state." 

Ending the Israel-Palestine conflict with a fully secular two state solution in line with international law and fully respecting universal basic human rights (including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees right of return) will not totally erase religious extremism or the hate and bigotry and misogyny on both sides of the conflict, but it will give both Israel and Palestine the ability and the momentum to become modern nation states of the people, for the people and by the people- regardless of supposed race or religion or gender...  Religion should be a personal private choice, not a state funded project.

Fair and just laws and better investments on both sides of every border will help diffuse, disarm and dismantle the rampant religious extremism, bigotry and injustice currently making life miserable for countless men, women and children trapped in and tormented by the conflict.  KISS: Keep it simple- Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security, and within each separate sovereign nation state every individual a full and equal citizen able  to live in peace and security, encouraged and empowered to help build a Golden Rule peace with all their neighbors.

Anne Selden Annab
American homemaker & poet


The Office of International Religious Freedom (   Given the U.S. commitment to religious freedom, and to the international covenants that guarantee it as the inalienable right of every human being, the United States seeks to:

Promote freedom of religion and conscience throughout the world as a fundamental human right and as a source of stability for all countries

"So let us put the narrative of injustice away and find the joy, if it’s the last thing we ever do. " Tala Abu Rahmeh, Palestinian poet and writer

Jerusalem life: 'Are you aware? Women should not be strolling outdoors'

Attack on Jerusalem graves unnerves Christians

New Video Previewing ATFP's 10th Anniversary Gala

Salvaging Palestine ... a poem

NYTimes: In a Polluted Stream, a Pathway to Peace

"At its heart, Israel’s policies are costing many Palestinians the simple dignity of being self-sufficient, which is why keeping a class of people in deliberate poverty is seen as a very clear restriction on their freedom."... Palestinians lose billions to Israeli land bans, says World Bank report

What 20 years of the "Peace Process" has meant for Palestinians... September 1993- September 2013

Tel Aviv conference plans for Palestinian return:  Israel is home to tens of thousands of Palestinians who were displaced from their villages in 1948 but remained inside the new state’s borders. Many of these communities ended up as refugees only mere miles from their original villages but were forbidden to return by the State of Israel.

A quest to preserve Palestinian heritage in the digital stacks: Sami Batrawi's struggle to open an online Palestinian Library of Congress is part of a broader effort to recover lost Palestinian intellectual heritage.

Pomegranates in season along the path!

My letter/thank you note to the NY Daily News RE The Muslims are coming! And they’d like to chat By Dean Obeidallah

ATFP Galas: Palestine's Washington Showcase... "One of the most crucial aspects of ATFP's mission has been to change the image of Palestine and Palestinians in Washington, moving beyond the traditional binary stereotypes of menacing terrorists or wretched refugees. There is an all-American story to be told about Palestinian immigrants to the United States, and a need to celebrate their contributions to our country and to the world."

Grape festival begins in Hebron area

Obama urges world to take risks for Mideast peace... "All of us must recognize that peace will be a powerful tool to defeat extremists, and embolden those who are prepared to build a better future," he said.

Jordan's King Abdullah II explains that extremism has "grown fat" off of the longstanding conflict between Israel and the Palestinians

Peace & Israel... "It was the theft of that land that led to the continuing hostility of Arab and Muslim countries, a hostility that will only go away when the Palestinians receive justice." Guardian letter by Karl Sabbagh, author of Palestine: A Personal History

CSM: Israel increases rate of home demolitions as peace talks chug along- Human rights activists say home demolitions show that protection for Palestinian human rights is missing from the peace process.

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home - so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world." Eleanor Roosevelt

The Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Live by the Golden Rule

Dear President Obama... Let Freedom Ring


Globalizing Martin Luther King, Jr.

Help Build A Golden Rule Peace for the Holy Land

  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

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