Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My letters 4-17-2012 RE Israel, Iran & Palestine... & the poet Günter Grass

RE: letters No comparison Re "Compare Israel to Iran?, " Postscript, April 14 & Gunter Grass' controversial poem on Israel and Iran

Dear Editor,

Israeli agents and supporters are obviously outraged that Günter Grass, a Nobel Prize winning highly respected poet, dared notice and speak out carefully expressing his concern about Israel's war mongering.  His detractors' furious response and their eagerness to lambaste, belittle and dismiss Grass and his observations rather than thinking seriously about what Grass tried to say- and examining closely what Israel really is and what Israel really does is tragic.... and dangerous.

Anne Selden Annab

RE: Gunter Grass's Tin Ear: 'The Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz,' runs a mind-bending quip. By Josef Joffe 

Dear Editor,

April is national poetry month. What fun to see a poem getting so much attention! Kudos to Günter Grass for daring to poke the hornets nest knowing the response was sure to be a swarm of rage from Israeli agents and Hasbara specialists who want the West to remain oblivious about what Israel really is and what Israel really does: Day after day for decades Israel has been flagrantly violating international law and the Palestinians basic human rights.

Shocked and sickened by the horrors of the Holocaust the United Nations carefully thought about and explained Universal Basic Human Rights:  Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood... Günter Grass's poem reflects the spirit of that. Josef Joffe's response does not. 

Anne Selden Annab

RE: John Bolton's Israel is not the threat, Mr. Obama. Iran is.

Dear Editor,

Mr. Bolton, once again is wrong: Right now Israel really is a threat, as are all the many Israeli agents, propagandists, advisers and provocateurs on every "side" who prefer to push the world towards more and more war, bigotry and bad investments rather than focus in on actually ending the Israel-Palestine conflict with a just and lasting peace. 

Israel is in long term and blatant violation of international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights on multiple counts... The real existential challenge is understanding that identity is an ongoing process. Does Israel want to be known as the nation that created the largest longest running refugee crisis in the world today, or does it want to be known as a beacon of hope and a Golden Rule role model for all who have been persecuted because of their supposed race or religion.

Anne Selden Annab

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