Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yesterday #Israeli forces bulldozed a field of 2000 sq meters of #Palestinian land planted with beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and cauliflowers.

Yesterday #Israeli forces bulldozed a field of 2000 sq meters of #Palestinian land planted with beans, cucumbers, tomatoes and cauliflowers.
The General Delegation of the Palestine Liberation to the US (formerly the PLO Mission to the United States) received its current status in 1994 as a result of the Oslo Accords signed by Israel and the PLO in September 1993. At the time of its establishment in 1978, the Mission was known as the Palestine Information Office. In 1988 it became the Palestine Affairs Center and maintained that status until 1994 when it became known as the PLO Mission. In 2010 the PLO mission officially was renamed to the PLO Delegation of the United States

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