Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thank Secretary Clinton for Standing Up for Palestinian Aid... supporting work for peace and justice in the Holy Land.

Last week Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton informed Congress that aid for Palestinians that had been already appropriated would be sent despite a hold placed on the aid by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Thank Secretary Clinton for standing up for vulnerable Palestinian civilians by sending her a message below.

On April 11th the State Department sent a letter to members of Congress notifying them that it will go ahead with the $147 million aid package to the Palestinian Authority for fiscal year 2011, despite a congressional hold placed by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

Projects to be funded include rebuilding Christian sites such as Burqeen Church, a Christian sanctuary dating to the early Byzantine era near Jenin, and a traditional site of the Nativity story’s shepherd's field near Bethlehem, as well as addressing humanitarian concerns through projects supporting water programs, health, food aid, and support for USAID programming.  One non-governmental organization (NGO) that will likely receive funding is the Princess Basma Centre, a national referral, rehabilitation and educational network that ensures continued support for children with special needs and their families, in East Jerusalem. 

Dear Madam Secretary,

As a supporter of Churches for Middle East Peace, I would like to thank you for your courageous decision this month to release $147 million in U.S. assistance funds that had been withheld by Congress for projects to assist Palestinian development.  Funding for the Palestinian’s civil and security needs will lay the groundwork for a viable Palestinian state living in peace alongside a secure Israel and will help ensure a stable future for both Palestinians and Israelis.

Funding humanitarian and economic development projects strengthens the capacity to govern, provides hope, and undercuts the despair that can contribute to violence. With your leadership the U.S. will remain an example for other nations to continue supporting work for peace and justice in the Holy Land.

Formed in 1984, Churches for Middle East Peace is a coalition of 24 national Church denominations and organizationsincluding Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditions. It works to encourage U.S. government policies that actively promote a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ensuring security, human rights and religious freedom for all people of the region.

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