Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My letter to the Boston Globe RE "A United, Democratic Nation with Equal Rights for All" by Diana Buttu

RE: A United, Democratic Nation with Equal Rights for All by Diana Buttu

Dear Editor,

Diana Buttu certainly does have good intentions, and she is absolutely correct to be quite concerned about ethno-religious privilege vs true equality, but she is looking in the wrong direction for what will actually help peace and Palestine the most: Far too many fiercely pro-Palestine activists like Buttu make a huge and very dangerous mistake in neglecting to factor in how very much Islamists and militants have already sabotaged Palestine, the state building efforts, and the diplomatic efforts (including grass roots support) necessary to build world wide support for a just and lasting peace with a fully secular two state solution to once and for all end the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The best way forward is to understand the vital importance of establishing two fully secular states with real freedom, true democracy and full equality for all citizens of each respective state; one sovereign Israel and one sovereign Palestine, living alongside each other in peace and security. And yes the Palestinian refugees, just like the Jewish refugees from the Nazi Holocaust, have every right to return to original homes and lands, as well as to seek compensation for their losses.


Anne Selden Annab
American Homemaker & Poet


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Growing Gardens for Palestine
a personal blog

...To Return

A Spider Silk Cape... a series of three poems by Anne Selden Annab in Growing Gardens for Palestine

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