Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MIFTAH Condemns Israeli Raid on Television Stations

February 29, 2012 The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH strongly condemns the Israeli army raid on the offices of Watan Television and Al Quds Educational Television early this morning in Ramallah. According to Watan employees, a large Israeli army force raided their Ramallah office at 2:00 a.m. , confiscating computers and broadcast equipment and briefly detaining four employees. The employees said the soldiers ransacked the office, confiscating documents and files from the administration. Also this morning, Israeli army forces raided the Al Quds Educational television office in Ramallah and confiscated its equipment as well. According to director Haron Abu Ara, the soldiers broke down the door and ransacked the office before leaving

MIFTAH is deeply concerned with Israel’s continued violations of Palestinian rights, including the right to expression and free press. It calls on all concerned parties, including the international community and international media organizations to step in and stop Israel’s blatant disregard for Palestinian media organizations. If any peace is to prevail, it must be based on clear lines of respect, something Israel repeatedly shuns.

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