Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My letter to the Guardian RE "A West Bank anachronism, The PLO goal of statehood has lost its glitter..."

RE: A West Bank anachronism, The PLO goal of statehood has lost its glitter as a new national mood transforms the Palestinian struggle

Dear Sir,

Palestine right now has a real chance to become a real state with a real future and real security for the children of historic Palestine- or not.

A fully secular two state solution really is the best way forward for everyone's sake. The one state dream is an old dream, and it is a dream and delusion shared by Zionists who want to the land- but not the native non-Jewish people of that land.

Surrendering to a one state scenario means that Israel and religious extremism reign supreme, while the impoverished and oppressed people of Palestine learn to leave in order to have peace and security and a better life elsewhere.

Anne Selden Annab, American homemaker & poet

Restraint on Majority Rule: "There is going to be a religious right. There is a religious right here. There is a religious right in Israel. There will be a religious right in all these emerging Arab and Islamic democracies and they have a role to play within the rule of law- but the rule of law with the understanding of the rights of minorities and the rights of the individual." Hussein Ibish of The American Task Force on Palestine

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