Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi of Palestine: "Uphold International Law"

"... On the latest plan by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to withdraw from some parts of the West Bank and Hand them over to the Palestinian Authority Dr Ashrawi said that:

“Deliberate Israeli leaks of the so-called “Netanyahu initiative” show it to be little more than a reinvention of Israel’s occupation as a system of annexation and control, rather than a genuine attempt to end the occupation and abide by international law and the requirements of peace.”

Dr Ashrawi continued to say,” Some of the features of this initiative include already agreed upon troop redeployments; Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem; full Israeli control over the Jordan valley, as well as Palestinian water and airspace; the negation of Palestinian refugee rights; a phased or gradual approach; and an insistence on Palestinian recognition of Israel as Jewish state. “

“These constitute a manipulation of public opinion, rather than actual compliance with the requirements of peace,” Dr Ashrawi concluded."

Dr. Ashrawi: "What we Need from the Quartet is for it to Uphold International Law"

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