Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dear America- Israel wants enemies & religious extremism so it can raise more funds and sympathy from US. Israel wants us duped- and we are.

The Land & Love by Palestinian artist Ismail Shamout who was born in 1930 in Lydda - Palestine. During the Nakba of 1948, he and his family were forced out of their home during the assault of Jewish Zionist militant groups on their town. A long march on foot allowed them to settle in the refugee camps of Khan Younis in Gaza

 My most recent letter sent to my elected officials 10/2/2024

Dear America,

ISRAEL INVADES AMERICA again and again with every Zionist spokesperson on TV news spinning pro-Israel propaganda for an Apartheid nation that wants the "Holy" land, but not the native non-Jewish men, women, and children of that land.

Palestine- Gaza, the West Bank, and now Lebanon all bombed aggressively by Israel as it targets homes, apartment blocks, schools, roads and infrastructures, obliterating families and communities with American made lethal weaponry.

Israel wants enemies & religious extremism so it can raise more funds and sympathy from US.  Israel wants us duped- and we are.

Homegrown corporate corruption insists that the very foreign man-made Apartheid nation called Israel has "the right to defend itself", while refusing to see or explain the very real plight and suffering of Palestinians as Israel cruelly persecutes, impoverishes, and displaces them.

We don't have a Fourth Estate empowering our democracy, we have Zionism unfairly influencing our elected leaders & voters, leading US astray from American ideals of real democracy with full and equal rights for ALL people, regardless of supposed race or religion.

Taxpayer money should not be funding weapons and excuses for war mongering Israel.

And Israeli groups such as AIPAC should be registered as agents for a foreign country.


Anne Selden Annab


This terrifying tit-for-tat between Israel, Iran and its proxies will only bring more death and disaster - Lina Khatib in The Guardian ..." the scale of the humanitarian crisis is unprecedented "

In The New Yorker listen to his voice as Mosab Abu Toha reads his powerful poem Under the Rubble drawn from his most recent book “Forest of Noise.” #Gaza #Palestine #antiwar

“If we stay in our houses, they bomb us. If we shelter in a school, they bomb us.” Read @MosabAbuToha‘s poem on Zeteo

Jordan FM’s unusual assurance of security:"We're here members of a Muslim Arab committee mandated by 57 Arab and Muslim countries and I can tell you here very unequivocally all of us are willing to right now to guarantee the security of Israel in the context of Israel ending the occupation and allowing for the emergence of a Palestinian State independent state "

Nesrine Malik in The Guardian: With Gaza in ruins and Lebanon under siege, what defence remains for Israel’s actions? ‘Existential threat’ is a thin excuse: the out-of-control force that is pushing the Middle East to the brink is Israel itself

Palestine Refugees - Press Conference | United Nations Sep 27, 2024 UNWRA... On the polio vaccination campaign, coordinated with Israel, he said, “if there is a will, we can make it happen.” The campaign, he said, “was a complex operation” involving the Israeli government and various UN agencies, “but the one who administered the vaccine to the children below the age of ten, was primarily UNRWA

WATCH: King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan addresses 2024 UN General Assembly

Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan on Israel-Hamas war: ‘The world has failed'

Dear America- American blood Arab blood Christian blood Jewish blood Muslim blood all blood is just blood. Stop arming endlessly escalating war. Just stop.

Dear America- We are in this collectively- no exceptions... Stop the hate- and the pollution of war.

Dear America- Don't let Israel drive a wedge between you and the truth.

Dear America, Please Help Stop Institutionalized Bigotry & Injustice

Dear America- Israel can not be trusted, and should not be subsidized

Accusing peaceful pro-Palestine protesters of being "antisemitic" pleases Israel but it does not make any Jews any safer anywhere.

Send an honorable message far and wide- we believe in freedom of and from religion... and we believe in real justice, peace, and security for ALL !


"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."


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