Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Palestine is the most well-documented genocide in history, yet the most denied by American leadership & mainstream news.... September 2024

This photo needs to be the front page of every news paper in the world. 20 tents full of displaced families buried alive in Gaza.

In an overcrowded camp where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians are scattered in makeshift tents, even the smallest bomb can cause immense damage and numerous casualties. Now, imagine the devastation when the Israeli occupation army uses 3 U.S.-made MK-84 bombs on them.

Apartheid Israel is accelerating the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and committing acts of genocide on the way. How long will it take to UN Member states to impose sanctions on this serial violator of int'l law?

The tent massacre of Mawasi. 20 tents full of families buried alive by American bombs that have left literal craters in the earth. This was a humanitarian safe zone. Another site of a war crime that the world can’t stop because of Israel’s effective international immunity.
Susan Muaddi Darraj 
I am forever changed by this year, by the evil we are witnessing, by the silence of so many, by the acceptance of such horror as normal.
I strongly condemn Israel’s air strikes on an Israeli-designated zone for displaced people in Gaza. Palestinians had moved to this area in search for shelter & safety, after being repeatedly instructed to do so by the Israeli authorities. I repeat my call for an immediate ceasefire & the immediate & unconditional release of all hostages still held in Gaza.

 Palestine is the most well-documented genocide in history, yet the most denied.


Aysenur Eygi- American murdered by Israeli troops  
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old American activist killed while protesting in the occupied West Bank, was remembered by friends and former professors as a dedicated organizer who felt a strong moral obligation to bring attention to the plight of Palestinians.

"Eygi, who is also a Turkish citizen and leaves behind her husband, graduated from UW [Seattle Washington] earlier this year with a major in psychology and minor in Middle Eastern languages and culture, Fani said. She walked the stage with a large “Free Palestine” flag during the ceremony, Fani said."

American killed in West Bank was longtime activist ‘bearing witness to oppression’, friends say

Please amplify: So the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was accidental, unintentional, etc.? 
Question for Israel: 
1-Why open fire in the first place? 
Two questions for the US: 
1-What about the settlements she was protesting? Are they accidental? 
2-What about the killing of children and their families Aysenur was standing in solidarity with?

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