Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dear America- Don't let Israel drive a wedge between you and the truth.

@UNHumanRights chief @volker_turk urges Governments to put human rights at the core of policy & action to achieve a more peaceful, just & sustainable world.  Human Rights are our mainstay against unbridled power

Dear America- letter sent to my Elected Leaders,

Time will tell who gets elected next. 

Meanwhile time has already told that American leadership does not care about the very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine. You should.

Israel, heavily armed with American weaponry, freely bombs humanitarian safe zones in Gaza, obliterating refugee tents, leaving huge craters in the sand. 

I remember 9-11 here- and the horror of what happened, and I remember Israeli leadership on our TV authoritatively telling America what to think, exasperating racism and hate on every "side." 

23 years later American puppets and pawns are busy legislating that protest against Israel is "antisemitism".  It isn't. 

Protest and awareness are crucial tools against dangerous Zionist lies and racist cruelty.

Today's modern man made Israel is a dangerous entity with tentacles everywhere as it grows & grows & grows: The Israel Empire ignores borders, international law, human rights, and basic logic.

Please don't let America and all we have achieved be totally corrupted and destroyed:  Arabs and Muslims (and Jews and Christians) are human beings, just like us, and just like us they can be good and bad and everything in between. Don't let Israel drive a wedge between you and the truth.


Anne Selden Annab


Palestine is the most well-documented genocide in history, yet the most denied by American leadership & mainstream news.... September 2024

American killed in West Bank was longtime activist ‘bearing witness to oppression’, friends say

“Depth of Kinship”: Zeina Azzam’s Some Things Never Leave You BOOK REVIEW by Deema K. Shehabi

Escalations ... a poem by Anne Selden Annab

‘If I would speak, I would start crying’: Our reporters grapple with loss in Gaza war

Omar Badder on America's mainstream media coverage of #Israel VS #Palestine "As you reflect on why only one of these stories is dominating the headlines, there are 5 more things to keep in mind..."

Palestinian journalist Hind Al-Khoudary on her nomination for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize.

"My grandfather kept the key to his house in Yaffa in 1948. He thought they would return in a few days. His name was Hasan. The house was destroyed. Others built a new one in its place. Hasan died in Gaza in 1986. The key has rusted but still exists somewhere, longing for the old wooden door." Mosab Abu Toha ... From Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear

"Gaza has taught me that a lot of people who claim to be human rights activists are only active when it applies to people of a specific background or ethnicity." Mohamad Safa

Israel is committing genocide and Western media is helping hide the bodies

Ending Discrimination #fightracism #StandUp4HumanRights #NoToHate #UNGA #UnitedNations #HumanRights #HumanBeings #Compassion #GoldenRuleThinking #Kindness

Nelson Mandela grandson Zwelivelile comes out in support of South Africa coal embargo on Israel

The Government of Israel has been running a smear campaign against Palestinians & UNWRA by buying ads on Google

More Than 65 Palestinian Filmmakers, Including Hany Abu Assad, Elia Suleiman and Farah Nabulsi, Sign Letter Accusing Hollywood of ‘Dehumanizing’ Palestinians

August 28 2024: Since last night, the Israeli army has conducted a large-scale military operation in various parts of the West Bank, particularly in the northern regions.

Scholasticide: As the new school year begins, Palestinian students in Gaza cannot access education due to Israel’s systemic attacks on the education system

Dear America, Please Help Stop Institutionalized Bigotry & Injustice

Accusing peaceful pro-Palestine protesters of being "antisemitic" pleases Israel but it does not make any Jews any safer anywhere.

A Guardian report reveals that there are 60,000 Americans living in illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, as well as some 23,400 Americans serving in the Israeli army.

Send an honorable message far and wide- we believe in freedom of and from religion... and we believe in real justice, peace, and security for ALL !


"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world..."


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