Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The human cost and the environmental cost of war in the Middle East is horrifying, and yet America's mainstream newspapers, TV news, and politicians itch to have more & more war, investing in Israeli violence at every turn.

For every two Palestinian deaths, Palestinians are mentioned only once in the coverage of major newspapers we analyzed. For every Israeli death, Israelis are mentioned eight times — or a rate 16 times more per death that of Palestinians. The Intercept 

Dear President Biden (& some of my other elected officials),

A "How to Respond to Antisemitism" report on TV was featured on CNBC this morning.  I tuned in as I believe racism is wrong, and I want to know how best to help stop it.  

Andrew Sorkin of the New York Times was the interviewer. He spoke with a so called pollster/political-something-or-other who had interviewed a group of Zionist students. No Arabs or Muslims or Christians or Humanists.  

I am not going to repeat all the dangerously wrong Zionist propaganda that Sorkin & the "pollster" bandied about, but the pollster did ask wealthy listeners to stop giving to America's Ivy League Colleges. I suspect he'd rather wealthy listeners give $$$ to Israel.  So a pro-Israel pontificator can publicly call for CNBC listeners to stop investing in American colleges, but pro-Palestine truth tellers here in America are either ignored or demonized for calling for boycotts against Israel because of Israel's racist laws & policies and warmongering ways.

Do you have any clue how much pollution is generated by war? "The climate cost of the first 60 days of Israel’s military response was equivalent to burning at least 150,000 tonnes of coal"  &  "Almost half the total CO2 emissions were down to US cargo planes flying military supplies to Israel."

The human cost and the environmental cost of war in the Middle East is horrifying, and yet America's mainstream newspapers, TV news, and politicians itch to have more & more war, investing in Israeli violence [and racism] at every turn.  

Please stop trusting Israeli news, and start listening to people who sincerely want peace and prosperity for all people.

FYI the call for freedom "From the River to the Sea" is a call for full and equal rights, not violence. It is a plea for compassion, the rule of fair & just laws, and an end to racist Israeli cruelty & apartheid in the Holy Land.


Anne Selden Annab


Religion should be a personal, private choice, not a state funded project

Palestinian's incredible spirit of resilience and spirit full of life despite all the odds! We continue to pray for a ceasefire now…

Emissions from Israel’s war in Gaza have ‘immense’ effect on climate catastrophe

The Basarat Home in Palestine USURPED by Zionists... but never ever forgotten by its rightful owners and heirs.


How apartheid history shaped South Africa’s genocide case against Israel- in The Guardian

The Israeli army has assassinated Hamza Al-Dahdouh, the son of Wael Al-Dahdouh, Al-Jazeera’s main correspondent in Gaza...

Mourning books (& lives) lost due to rampant Israeli violence & anti-Palestine paranoia

Child of Handala - a modern interpretation of the 21st-century generation of Palestinian Nakba survivors.

Ralph Nader on Gaza Ceasefire & Why Suppression of Palestine Advocacy Is the Real Problem on Campus

Dr. Salman Abu Sitta: The tiny Gaza Strip, only 1.3% of Palestine, became a temporary home for 2.3 million Palestinian refugees.

Dear President Biden: Stop racist hate- start by stopping Israeli violence, and the Zionist stranglehold on your brain.

My letter to USA Today 1-5-2024 RE 50-year friendship offers a close look at caring dialogue on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

My letter to the New Yorker RE Mosab Abu Toha's A Palestinian Poet’s Perilous Journey Out of Gaza

Ibtisam Barakat: A Palestinian Whose Childhood Was Destroyed by War Pleads for Peace- Never letting children endure war again is the “never again” that might actually heal our wounded humanity.

But where should people go... 

Shereen Audi "I really wanted to spread some hope and positivity and give that feeling to the world and to everyone who needs it... all I wish for Palestine and for our world is peace and light.."

Ottoman Era Palestine circa 1890's... Palestinian fishermen in Tiberias (Tabriya) 

May the new year bring a free Palestine. Jordanian artist: اسامه حجاج-Osama Hajjaj Instagram: osamahajjaj

Israel eases up on bombing parts of Gaza, but only as famine and disease take their hold. 

I hear reports and see TV commercials showing that Anti-Semitism and other forms of racist hate is increasing. We need to stop that trend

Together, we have the power to shift the narrative on Palestine and build a future of collective liberation- Visualizing Palestine NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS

Homeless in my homeland by Hanin A. Elholy

Almost all the universities in Gaza destroyed or damaged. A huge amount of students and academic staff killed.

Mosab Abu Toha · Heartbreaking to learn that Ammar Ghraiba, a young motion graphic designer and an aspiring filmmaker, got killed today. Our journalists, poets, and filmmakers are killed. But the story, the poem, and the film continue.

Like Palestinians in the rest of east Jerusalem, most Armenians do not hold Israeli citizenship but only residency...

The Jewish settlers 'living the American dream' in the West Bank

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