Friday, January 12, 2024

Dear President Biden: Violence is the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life.

Dear  Elected Officials (for now Biden,Casey,Fetterman, & Perry)

Self defense?  Israel commits genocide claiming it is "self defense", and now America is bombing Yemen claiming "self defense." 

This is more like selfish defense of villainous politics, greedy business practices, plus the West's insidiously racist attitudes towards Arabs and Muslims.  

You already loudly endorsed war and escalating violence by providing Israel with money and weapons to a bomb a basically unarmed Arab population that has been cruelly imprisoned and tormented by racist Israeli laws and apartheid walls for the past 75 years...

When a big weaponized bully beats up a small relatively defenseless being, that is not self defense, that is being a big weaponized bully.

Violence is only the feel good answer in movies & on TV- not in real life.   

Self defense for America in these troubled times has to be upholding the rule of fair and just laws & policies based on full respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international law.  That would mean respecting South Africa for stepping up to use a court of Justice to hopefully help stop Israeli violence against Palestinians.

People worldwide are not as stupid as American politicians seem to think: Legislation that refuses visas for Israelis who wreck havoc in the illegally occupied West Bank might look good on paper- but Palestinians and Israelis both know that most of those Israeli settlers are U.S. citizens who don't need a visa as they have U.S. passports.  Palestinians live for decades with statelessness while Jewish Americans get full rights, full citizenship, and good employment opportunists in two countries.  That is just plain wrong.

So is being a big weaponized bully. 


Anne Selden Annab


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Beauty Of Palestine · Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem ...Photo by Ahmad Khalaf 

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The Basarat Home in Palestine USURPED by Zionists... but never ever forgotten by its rightful owners and heirs. 

How apartheid history shaped South Africa’s genocide case against Israel- in The Guardian

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Child of Handala - a modern interpretation of the 21st-century generation of Palestinian Nakba survivors.

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Dr. Salman Abu Sitta: The tiny Gaza Strip, only 1.3% of Palestine, became a temporary home for 2.3 million Palestinian refugees.

Dear President Biden: Stop racist hate- start by stopping Israeli violence, and the Zionist stranglehold on your brain.

My letter to USA Today 1-5-2024 RE 50-year friendship offers a close look at caring dialogue on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

My letter to the New Yorker RE Mosab Abu Toha's A Palestinian Poet’s Perilous Journey Out of Gaza

Ibtisam Barakat: A Palestinian Whose Childhood Was Destroyed by War Pleads for Peace- Never letting children endure war again is the “never again” that might actually heal our wounded humanity.

But where should people go... 

Israel eases up on bombing parts of Gaza, but only as famine and disease take their hold. 

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