Monday, December 4, 2023

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

Dear President Biden & some of my other Elected Officials,

Federal law requires people doing the political bidding of a foreign government or entity inside the U.S. to register with the Justice Department.... so why the heck are you and most all of our other elected leaders (as well as way too much of our mainstream media) not registered and classified as agents for Israel?

Israel is a very foreign country that has wasted 75 years of sovereign possibility to cruelly persecute, impoverish, and displace the native non-Jewish men, women and children of historic Palestine. 

We should be funding and empowering real freedom, equality, justice, and security for all people, regardless of supposed race or religion right here in America!  Our inner cities, our rural areas, our schools, our health care system, social security, plus our roads and basic infrastructures- all need shoring up. Invest in America- not Israel!

Giving Israel money plus weapons of war (plus U.N. Security Council vetoes) as Israel cruelly imprisons, displaces, and bombs Palestinian men, women and children should be recognized as a crime against humanity, as well as a totally counterproductive investment.

Do we want reason and the rule of fair and just laws and investments to survive, or not!   

PLEASE step away from shaping an increasingly brutal future where pollution is rampant, corruption is the only way to get ahead, and race or religion is a requirement for citizenship and respect.  

To paraphrase American hero Martin Luther King Jr., I believe that the content of character should count more than alleged race or religion.

Furthermore, on the topic of agents for a foreign country, why the heck are American citizens so easily able to serve in Israel's military, actively targeting and murdering the Palestinian men, women and children, and why are so many Americans so easily able to invest in Israel's illegal settlement projects through out the West Bank?!


Anne Selden Annab


Today's Nativity scene inspired by Israeli Bombing Campaigns 2023 #Gaza #Bethlehem, #Palestine #Christmas

GAZA UPDATE: More than 6,600 Palestinian children in Gaza have been killed by Israeli forces since October 7, according to the Governmental Media Office. Thousands more are still missing under the rubble.

The Universal Declaration is a roadmap, helping to end wars, heal divisions and promote lives of peace and dignity for all. Learn more & join the movement to help achieve a world of freedom, equality & justice for all

My letter to The Guardian RE The people of Gaza need a UN protection force

Israel (& America & the UK & Europe)'s cruel War on Gaza & the Children of Palestine 2023

The WEST BANK archipelago

ISRAEL SWALLOWING GAZA STRIP: Israel has no borders, neither by its own admission or by international law. That is why it is grabbing any land it can. - Salman Abu Sitta

My letter to The Guardian Re The daily, grinding violence in the West Bank is worse than ever before. Why does it go unseen?

The daily, grinding violence in the West Bank is worse than ever before. Why does it go unseen? ... in The Guardian

Symbols of #Palestine

We Are Not Numbers- Palestinian youth tell their human stories behind the numbers in the news

Nothing- a poem by Ahmed Dremly of Gaza Palestine

O Little Town of Bethlehem, Palestine

"We collect, translate and publish texts from Palestinian writers confronting the genocide in Gaza, to lift up their words." @arablit : Hiba Abu Nada 1991-2023

Burqin Church (كنيسة برقين), considered the fifth holiest place for Christians worldwide, and the third oldest church in the world. It is located in the village of Burqin in Palestine’s Jenin Governorate (جنين) in the West Bank, Palestine

One day the wind will carry laughter instead of screams... from the river to the sea Palestine will be free

1948 Nakba: 15,000 killed, 750,000 displaced. 2023 Gaza: 21,000+ killed, 1.75M displaced

St Poryphyrius Church in Gaza, one of the oldest churchs in Palestine- bombed by Israel in 2023

Israel killed more journalists in Gaza in 7 weeks than all 20 YEARS of the Vietnam war & all 6 years of World War II

America's Mainstream Media & Fake News (thank you Jonathan Cook for your honor & honesty) ... illustrated by some randomly plucked up truth telling cartons, memes, and a map

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's Statement Calling for the Release of ALL Hostages and Palestinian Political Prisoners.

What is Home

Vintage Historic Palestine Photos

Israeli settlers steal Palestinian farmers’ land in occupied West Bank: Emboldened by curfews and raids on Palestinians, illegal settlers have stepped up violence and property theft.

Dear Elected Leaders- Yes there are still some useful idiots willing to idolize Israel. But good leadership should not.

To quote a well known American hero...  "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children."  I Have A Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr.  in 1963

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