Sunday, December 31, 2023

I hear reports and see TV commercials showing that Anti-Semitism and other forms of racist hate is increasing. We need to stop that trend

Dear President Biden,

The Israel/Palestine conflict is not about religion, it is about injustice and Israel's extensive violations of international law and basic human rights.  Israel consistently steals Palestinian land and money, freedom and rights, and has been for 75 years. 

Gaza is just the latest phase of the same Zionist plan of intentionally pulverizing Arab lives, farms, families, jobs, and infrastructures whenever and where ever possible. 

Israel's rampant bigotry and rage is surging with state funded religious tyranny & injustice shaping a state sponsored terror that simply should not exist in this day and age. 

The Jewish people I know here in America are good and decent people, with nice lives because they live here in America.  I want every one where ever they might be to be safe and cherished, respected, but I hear reports and see TV commercials showing that anti-Antisemitism is increasing.  We need to stop that trend, and the best way to stop that trend is to recognize that Israel has been setting a horrible example- and so are you by supporting Israel.

Racist delusions, yours and theirs, are apparent as you brag about being a Zionist and you bypass Congress to send more lethal weaponry to Jews-preferred Israel so that Israelis can target, wound and/or kill more native non-Jewish men, women, and children.

Maybe you really are too white, too surrounded by token others and too many "Toms", too manipulated by a foreign country's agents and bribes- and too obtuse to see the truth about Israel & Zionism:   Palestinian men, women, and children have been cruelly trapped and tormented by modern man-made Israel's Jews-preferred policies, apartheid walls, violence and home demolitions.

America should not be investing in Israel in any way, shape or form.


Anne Selden Annab

& a version for some other of my elected officials

Dear VP Harris, Perry, Fetterman, Casey

The Israel/Palestine conflict is not about religion, it is about injustice and Israel's extensive violations of international law and basic human rights.  

Israel consistently steals Palestinian land and money, freedom and rights, and has been for 75 years. 

Gaza is just the latest phase of the same Zionist plan of intentionally pulverizing Arab lives, farms, families, jobs, and infrastructures whenever and where ever possible. 

Israel's rampant bigotry and rage is surging with state funded religious tyranny, injustice, and violence shaping a state sponsored terror that simply should not exist in this day and age. 

The Jewish people I know here in America are good and decent people, with nice lives because they live here in America.  I want every one where ever they might be to be safe and cherished, respected, but I hear reports and see TV commercials showing that anti-antisemitism and other forms of racist hate is increasing.  We need to stop that trend, and the best way to stop that trend is to recognize that Israel has been setting a horrible example, and inspiring the worst in many different people.

Palestinian men, women, and children have been cruelly trapped and tormented by modern man-made Israel's Jews-preferred policies, apartheid walls, violence and home demolitions.

America should not be investing in, or protecting Israel in any way, shape or form.  Nor should we be trusting Israel as a source for news and information, or security advice.


Anne Selden Annab


Israel eases up on bombing parts of Gaza, but only as famine and disease take their hold.

I hear reports and see TV commercials showing that anti-Antisemitism and other forms of racist hate is increasing. We need to stop that trend

Together, we have the power to shift the narrative on Palestine and build a future of collective liberation- Visualizing Palestine NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS

Homeless in my homeland by Hanin A. Elholy

Almost all the universities in Gaza destroyed or damaged. A huge amount of students and academic staff killed.

Israel Pushing for More Forced Displacement ("Voluntary Migration") for the Indigenous Non-Jewish First and Forever People of Historic Palestine

Meanwhile Intel Corp. is making a $25 billion investment in Israel & GenocideJoe Biden bypasses Congress to send racist Israel more weaponry to ensure continuing violence.

Hanan Ashrawi "We are the only people asked to guarantee the security of our occupier... while Israel is the only country that calls for defense from its victims..."

Our Dinner Today: A True Story of Historic Palestine, Gardening, Good Food, & Family by Mike Hanini Odetalla

Mosab Abu Toha · Heartbreaking to learn that Ammar Ghraiba, a young motion graphic designer and an aspiring filmmaker, got killed today. Our journalists, poets, and filmmakers are killed. But the story, the poem, and the film continue.

Like Palestinians in the rest of east Jerusalem, most Armenians do not hold Israeli citizenship but only residency...

Christmas is Palestine WHERE IT ALL BEGAN

Fallen United Nations Aid Workers- Courtesy of UN Agency for Palestine Refugees via This Week in Palestine

Ahmad Khairy another Palestinian journalist killed by the Israeli bombardment of Gaza

The Jewish settlers 'living the American dream' in the West Bank

Powerful Bansky

Israeli snipers planted a bag of flour and snipe at whoever goes near. There are several martyrs in this area, please tell your families not to approach. It's a trap! ~ Message from Gaza

UN asks Israel to end 'unlawful killings' in West Bank & Read more: ‘I was very terrified’: The ordeal of two children detained by Israeli forces in Gaza

28 Dec 2023 Israeli bombing kills two more journalists in northern Gaza & Israeli forces raided six exchange companies in the West Bank, seizing the money then blowing up the safes.

My letter to my elected officials: Hamas violence, Israeli violence, American violence, domestic violence- ALL are ALL WRONG & totally counter-productive.

Don't let our tax dollars pollute the Holy Land with more bullets & bombs... & racist hate

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin?

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world

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