Thursday, December 21, 2023

Don't let our tax dollars pollute the Holy Land with more bullets & bombs... & racist hate

A Palestinian Couple with their baby by artist Ismail Shammout

Dear Biden, Casey, Fetterman, Perry, & Gov Shapiro 

Weapons for Israel bring a few jobs to America by escalating war in the Holy Land. 

Help create a just and lasting peace for all people (here & there), regardless of supposed race or religion: Don't arm Israel's sky rocketing religious extremism and its relentless persecution & displacement of the native non-Jewish men, women & children of historic Palestine.

Religion should be a personal, private choice, not a state funded project.

I do not like or support HAMAS, but I do understand why they exist, & why HAMAS will not go away even if all HAMAS fighters are killed this week by Israeli snipers & bombs: You simply can not stop people who are seriously oppressed from doing all they can to shake off their oppressors.  

Every young person in Gaza and the West Bank today, plus many outsiders on social media, are witness to racist Israel's crimes, and they will- we will- find a way to Free Palestine.  

Don't let our tax dollars pollute the Holy Land with more bullets & bombs... & racist hate. 

If you are addicted to violence please just go play a video game or watch an action adventure movie- don't hurt real people.  


Anne Selden Annab


A Christmas Message for our World from Rev. Imad Haddad: "As we sing “silent night holy night” this Christmas let us remember the nights in which the silence was shattered by the sounds of bombs..."

More than 90% of the Gazan population have been recently displaced 

Dec 17, 2023 MECA Video with Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha speaking to us from Cairo about the situation in Gaza, some of his friends & relatives who have been killed in Israeli attacks & reading some of his poetry and the work of his friend Refaat Al-Areer.

Donia had lost her parents and two siblings in an Israeli strike. She was getting treatment in the hospital after she lost her leg in a previous Israeli strike when she was killed by yet another Israeli shelling. 

Palestine demands investigation into reports of Israel burying victims alive in Gaza

"Caption's yours, write freely" Ibrahim Ghunaim 

Christmas 2023 for Palestinians 

"My hero Wael Eldahdouh. If he wasn’t Palestinian, he’d be the most famous face in the world decorating the covers of every magazine as person of the year"

Gazans find themselves completely isolated - cut off from their loved ones and from the rest of the world. 

Why is a foreign country so free to swindle and trick America into supporting religious tyranny and rampant injustice?!

Always remembering Palestine, no matter where we are, who we are, or what we are doing ... #Flag #FreePalestine

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel "indifference to evil is worse than evil itself..."

Israeli sniper murdered two Palestinian CHRISTIAN women inside The Holy Family Parish in Gaza, where many of Gaza's Christians have taken shelter 

Star of Bethlehem Quilt circa 1845 & Susan Muaddi Darraj's friendly annual reminder that this symbol you see everywhere this time of year is *not* a snowflake.

Christ was a Palestinian ... a small collection of (older) poems by Anne Selden Annab in Growing Gardens for Palestine #Christmas 

My elderly relatives first fled for their lives in 1948. In Gaza right now they are walking the Nakba again- Ghada Ageel in The Guardian

TikTok isn’t creating false support for Palestine. It’s just reflecting what’s already there. 

106 years ago (11 December 1917) the #Crusaders returned, led by England's General Allenby- his name now a bridge where Palestinians wait to be harassed by racist Israel's minions

With the children of #Gaza on my mind and forever in my heart 💔 Moonlight...By Mike Odetalla

If Americans Knew- The number of motherless, fatherless babies and children in Gaza is skyrocketing.

An American Muslim student’s perspective on the Palestinian-Israeli crisis in the Stanford Daily December 8 2023

Speak Up For Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves, for the Rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and Judge Fairly... 

Our Congress created a storm of news condemning "anti-Semitism", a storm of news that totally ignores the very real plight and suffering of the native non-Jewish men, women, and children of historic Palestine (who also happen to be Semites)

The sacred between mother and child captured in two images across time... Palestine past & Palestine present.

The Little Prince and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - both 75 years old & And both impart messages of hope and dignity that are available for all.

An Ongoing Displacement- The Forced Exile of the Palestinians since 1922

Invest Time & Money in American Ideals - NOT ISRAEL ... letter to my elected officials

The UN Mediator for Palestine, Count Folke Bernadotte, believed that the Palestinians displaced had a right to return to their homes and wrote several UN reports to that effect.

"It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine, and, indeed, at least offer the threat of permanent replacement of the Arab refugees who have been rooted in the land for centuries."

Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist terrorist organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang 


sliman.mansour "A cover i painted for Al-Awda magazine in the 1980’s, depicting the settlers attacks on olive groves during olive picking season, mixed media on paper, 1980’s"

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