Saturday, November 25, 2023

Dear Elected Leaders- Yes there are still some useful idiots willing to idolize Israel. But good leadership should not.

The Key to Peace
Dear Elected Leaders

We give thanks for so much in this country- our freedom, our homes, our schools, our libraries, our places of worship, our National Parks, our museums...etc... and our rule of fair and just laws which help give all Americans have a chance to live in peace- unmolested by bullies, racist thugs and religious zealots.

Our history does include some horrors- like slavery, and the Trail of Tears, but we know better now.  Or I thought we did. 

We have a strong enough economy to generate taxes which should be fortifying American institutions and infrastructures for all Americans.  But tragically for ALL our money is NOT going towards America's needs, or the needs of the hungry and poor worldwide, instead our money is empowering an Israeli War Machine that has been creating a huge barrage of injustice and cruelty.

Israel claims to be the Jewish State, but that deceptive label was requested by Zionists at a very racist time in World history, and all that tag has done in the years since the horrors of the  Nazi Holocaust is to inspire Zionists worldwide to denigrate, displace and destroy the native non-Jewish men, women and children of historic Palestine.

Meanwhile, our democracy is in serious trouble, not only because our government funnels crucial funds away from the peoples' needs, but also in part because our Fourth Estate is being ditched as fewer and fewer Americans are willing to be brainwashed by Israeli propaganda.  Yup- America's mainstream news is mostly generated by a very foreign country aiming to get more of our money and sympathy.  That same country also interferes with our elections.  

Yes there are still some useful idiots willing to idolize Israel. But good leadership should not.

One state or two to end the Holy Land hostilities, citizenship should not ever be determined by a person's religion or lack thereof.  A just and lasting peace shaped by full respect for international law and basic human rights is the best way forward, for everyone's sake.


Anne Selden Annab

American Homemaker & Poet



Sliman Mansour- Colors of hope (الوان الأمل), egg tempera, 1980 

Hats off to the artist who came up this! This is genius! If you’re looking at this on a phone, angle it down to see the message. 🍉

A Palestine refugee woman cross-stitching traditional Palestinian embroidery, Gaza, 1967. Source: UNRWA Photo Archives.


Keffiyeh Dove of Peace by Palestinian artist Maher Elhajj

Sky in different colors #Palestine #Creative #Flag 

I'd rather be excluded for who I include than included for who I exclude... at the end of the day as well as the beginning and the middle ALL DAY LONG EVERY DAY 24/7 FOREVER

"NEVER AGAIN!" Husam Zomlot (Palestinian Ambassador to the UK) speaks at House of Commons at the Voices For Peace campaign.

When Israel kidnaps Palestinians, holding them without charge or trial, no one calls those Palestinians hostages- but we should. 

"Even during the darkest of times, we should not lose hope of a better future with no cruelty and dehumanization." Sliman Mansour of Palestine

Raja Shehadeh: Israel has long wanted Palestinians out of Gaza – my father saw it firsthand 

Alison Weir of IF AMERICANS KNEW on America's Bias and Distorted Media Coverage

FROM TURTLE ISLAND TO GAZA by Palestinian-Greek-Canadian artist: Christina Damianos

The very first Christians were in fact Palestinians ...

Sunbird poem by Fady Joudah 

The Western World will be putting up Nativity Scenes in their homes and churches which are about Middle Eastern people seeking refuge & look awful lot like those being bombed in Gaza

Water is life. The denial & destruction of it is genocide. .. Visualizing Palestine


To quote a well known American hero...  "Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children."  I Have A Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr.  in 1963

Statement on the Celebration of Advent and Christmas in the Midst of War November 10, 2023 The Patriachs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem

If you've ever wondered what you'd do during slavery, the holocaust, or the civil rights movement- you're doing it right now


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