Sunday, October 22, 2023

Palestine IS Personal... a note from Nancy, a very Concerned Palestinian American Citizen


The Beauty of Palestine

About all that we can do to stop the genocide is to write to our representatives.

I urge all Palestinian-Americans to do so. Include a bit of your personal history. It doesn't even take long as we know our histories and are united in our revulsion of seeing most of our representatives do little to stop the slaughter. I've sent edited versions of this to my congressman and senators, also.
Dear President Biden,
I am a Palestinian-American Christian. 
My father immigrated to the US in 1951. He is from Ramallah, Palestine, which was a predominantly Christian village until an influx of Palestinians sought refuge in Ramallah in 1948 because of the ethnic cleansing which took place throughout Palestine at the hands of the Zionist gangs. And no, it was not a result of the Arab armies; according to Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, a prominent Palestinian writer and engineer, fully two-thirds of Palestinians were expelled from their towns and villages before any Arab armies entered Palestine. Israel assured that no Palestinians would return by demolishing over four hundred villages and towns. See a pattern here?
I was impressed with your reading of poetry and thought that you were a good guy. I no longer feel that way. I am appalled that in your position you won't call off the wholesale slaughter of Palestinian babies and children, women and men. My God, they are without fuel, water, food. Religious institutions and hospitals, doctors, health care workers, ambulance drivers and responders are targeted. Your lack of action is repugnant and criminal. I've never felt more ashamed to be an American than I am now.
In spite of the anguish of witnessing trembling children and mourning parents; in spite of the desire to just give in to hopelessness and despair, I still urge you to demand a ceasefire and to learn about the history of Palestine so that you know that Palestinian actions did not occur out of nowhere. 
You can still make right seventy-five years of colonization, oppression, and dehumanization of Palestinians. I urge you to do so for the sake of humanity, for the sake of us all: Jews, Palestinians, Muslims, Christians.
Nancy Harb Almendras
Concerned Palestinian American Citizen  

Stop the Genocide
Art by Prominent Palestinian Artist- Mamoun Al Shayeb

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