Sunday, October 22, 2023

An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians

 "Time and again, we are reminded that western attitudes towards Palestine-Israel suffer from a glaring double standard that humanizes Israeli Jews while insisting on dehumanizing Palestinians and whitewashing their suffering. This is evident in general attitudes towards the recent Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip that killed thousands of Palestinians, the apathy towards the murder of the Palestinian-American Christian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022, and the killing of more than 300 Palestinians including 38 children in the West Bank this year before this recent escalation."

An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders + Petition

A Call for Repentance: An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians + petition

"Learn to do right; seek justice; defend the oppressed" (Isa 1:17).

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