Thursday, October 19, 2023

America, Do we believe in full and equal rights for all people, regardless of their supposed race or religion? !!!

Washington DC Capital October 2023 "Just as we demand an end to genocide in Gaza, we must put the same effort into dismantling the systems of Zionism, apartheid, and colonialism that brought us to this moment." JEWISH VOICE FOR PEACE Jews organizing toward Palestinian liberation and Judaism beyond Zionism

Dear President Biden,

Do we believe in full and equal rights for all people, regardless of their supposed race or religion?  

I ask because it is clear that Israel does not:  Israel has been investing in Apartheid and injustice, while falsely promoting the idea that Israel is a democracy and shares American values.

Israel uses public funds to subsidize segregation as well as Zionism's preferred "religious scholars"... day after day, decade after decade. That is not a good investment!!!

Making matters worse, Israel uses American taxpayer funds to empower religious extremism and a cruel racist war against the indigenous, native non-Jewish people of historic Palestine.

Israel believes that only Jewish people should be first class citizens in the Holy Land, with full rights, full freedoms, good jobs, positive PR and security. 

Israel wants to pull America into more and more war in the Middle East, using American money and bombs to destroy the homes and lives of the native non-Jewish men, women and children of the Holy Land.

Israel is not our friend.  Nor is our mainstream media right now, as it fails to notice and report on the very real plight of the Palestinians and the ongoing Israeli made Nakba destroying Palestinian homes and families since before 1948. 

Please don't trust Zionist propaganda- but do trust the courageous American Jews who publicly protest against Israel saying "NOT IN MY NAME" !!!!!  


Anne Selden Annab


Live by the Golden Rule

We’re anti-Zionist Jews and we see genocide unfolding in Gaza- Ellen Brotsky and Ariel Koren

"Israeli supporters thirst for these lies. They do not want to know the truth. The truth would force them to examine their racism, self-delusion and complicity in oppression, murder and genocide." Chris Hedges

Think of Others- a poem by Mahmoud Darwish [of Palestine]

BEWARE: Don't let Racist Hate win ... a poem

"It lifted my grieving heart to join crowds in London on the March for Palestine. We need more of them" - a timely Guardian op-ed by Nimer Sultany

MIFTAH's Chairperson Dr. Hanan Ashrawi sends a message to the world.


In Israel's war against the Palestinians, Tel Aviv controls the narrative and silences dissenting voices

In one week, the number of children killed in Gaza has surpassed the number of children killed in Ukraine in one year. Both are occupied lands, but with vastly different approaches from the US.

His name is Wadie Al Fayoume. He was just killed- murdered at the age of 6 for being Palestinian and Muslim in America... Stabbed 26 times in his Chicago area home.

Pamela Olson's book (and blog) that aims to bring the realities in Palestine to the American mainstream

This Week in Palestine: When Art and Artists Belong Ismail Shammout, an Ambassador of Palestinian Identity By Bashar Shammout

Heba Zagout, artist, killed by Israeli bombs in Gaza, Palestine, October 2023

HATE, it has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet- Maya Angelou

When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?

We need facts and the preservation of press freedom.

STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE... & State Sponsored Terrorism

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