Thursday, January 23, 2014

My letter to CSM RE Few Israelis, Palestinians see two-state solution as feasible. What’s the alternative?

Ben Smith's BUZZFEED....THE FIGHT FOR PALESTINE: Ali Abunimah and Hussein Ibish were best friends and their generation’s brightest lights.

RE: Few Israelis, Palestinians see two-state solution as feasible. What’s the alternative? A new Zogby poll reveals widespread disillusionment with the Oslo Accords. Here’s a look at some other potential scenarios being discussed.

Dear Editor,

"What is the alternative to a two state solution?" is a very good question.  One could toss out all the many UN Resolutions regarding Israel and Palestine and there would still be a sovereign Israel with an established infrastructure and many engaged loyal citizens with good jobs and security... and there would still be a huge ongoing Palestine refugee crisis with no security or peace for the native non-Jewish population of the Holy Land. 

Minus efforts to build a Palestinian state by insisting on FULL respect for international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a negotiated end to the Israel-Palestine conflict, the conflict will continue to be whatever anybody wants it to be, with religious extremists and bigots on both sides gaining the most ground.  Ivy tower scholars and rabble rousing one state activists might be able to earn a relatively comfortable living for themselves, but they will not be able to provide jobs or passports and a brighter future for stateless Palestinians- and continued funding for UNWRA.  What is bad now, has the potential to become much much worse.

Anne Selden Annab


MIFTAH: Anti- corruption youth strategy; young Palestinians put a corruption-free society as their priority "...This is their future, they say, because in the end, it is the youth that seeks a society free of corruption that will offer them the opportunity to obtain the right job and the right social status based on their own merits, not on grounds of nepotism and favoritism."   

ATFP Briefing: Richard Wright, the Director of the UNRWA New York Representative Office will join Andrew Tabler from WINEP and ATFP's Hussein Ibish to discuss the dire situation of those Palestine Refugees trapped inside Yarmouk, including updates on recent interventions by UNRWA 1-22-2014

Palestine is abundant in energy, skills, passion, and determination. Only when our belief in citizen solutions is reignited and our respect for one another is re-established can we officially witness the transformation we want as a society." Muna Dajani & Sami Backleh:This Week in Palestine

Arts & Culture: Organizers Prepare Palestinian Museum For 2015 Opening... Biggest of Its Kind, Privately-Sponsored Institution Will Have Satellite Locations Around the Globe

The monster that won't die: Al-Qaeda is making yet another appalling comeback "There have always been differences within al-Qaeda, those who have either successfully seized or been granted permission to use the name as a kind of franchise, and other salafi-jihadi or "takfiri" groups. But while the parent organization based in Pakistan and Afghanistan seems to be increasingly irrelevant, the political ideology and program of mass murder that are now synonymous with al-Qaeda seem at least as robust as ever, if not more so. It is the monster that, for the past decade, simply will not die."

  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
The Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

The Office of International Religious Freedom ( the U.S. commitment to religious freedom, and to the international covenants that guarantee it as the inalienable right of every human being, the United States seeks to:

Promote freedom of religion and conscience throughout the world as a fundamental human right and as a source of stability for all countries

American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) supports Palestinian institution-building, good governance, anti-corruption measures, economic development, and improved living standards. ATFP categorically and unequivocally condemns all violence against civilians, no matter the cause and who the victims or perpetrators may be.

                                                                                                           The Arab Peace Initiative

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