Thursday, January 23, 2014

MIFTAH: Anti- corruption youth strategy; young Palestinians put a corruption-free society as their priority

"...This is their future, they say, because in the end, it is the youth that seeks a society free of corruption that will offer them the opportunity to obtain the right job and the right social status based on their own merits, not on grounds of nepotism and favoritism."

MIFTAH Anti- corruption youth strategy; young Palestinians put a corruption-free society as their priority 

Ramallah – Now Mohammed Najjar, Najwan Abu Nijem and Zeina Ramadan from MIFTAH’s Palestinian Youth Network are confident that they can begin fighting corruption in all shapes and forms along with other youth groups. This is because these three, along with other youths from the entire political and social spectrum in Palestine, have been working diligently for the past few months in training, awareness and education on the subject of corruption and have finally formulated the first youth anti-corruption strategy, which was announced last week, on January 16.
MIFTAH played a strong supporting role for these young Palestinians as did the Anti-Corruption Commission, which signed a memo of understanding with MIFTAH to provide the necessary help and training to youth. The youths were also helped by MIFTAH project coordinator Shadi Zeidat who played a pivotal role in preparing, following up and supervising youth groups side by side with MIFTAH’s program director Lamis Shuaibi, who helped direct these groups over the months of training.

Shuaibi says the network is a developed model for Palestinian youth groups given its diversity at the social, intellectual and geographic levels; it also provided a participatory and safe space for youths with a mutual vision ...READ MORE

Democracy and Good Governance
  1. Empowerment of Palestinian Women Leadership
    • Supporting Young Palestinian Women Leadership: Promoting Women’s Voices ...more
    • Supporting Young Palestinian Women Political Leaders:
      UNSCR 1325 in Action – Realizing UNDP’s 8 points Agenda ...more
    • The development of local communities in the districts of Jerusalem and Jordan Valley through small income –generating projects for women in rural areas (Phase Three) ...more
  2. Empowerment of Palestinian Youth Leadership
    • Fostering Dialogue on Statehood among Palestinian Youth ...more
  3. Community Development
    • Fostering Community Change in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ...more
  4. Policy Formulation
    • Ensure the Legislative Environment Supporting the Reduction of gender-based violence through working on MDG3 ...more
  5. Elections Support
    • Support of Local Municipal Elections 2011 ...more
  6. Gender Responsive Budget ...more
Media and Information
  1. Information and Informatics
    • A web site in English and Arabic that offers analytical examination of the Palestinian - Israeli conflict as well as issues of Palestinian concern, in addition to fact sheets, reports and special studies.
    • Intensive media activity on particularly pressing issues through interviews, commentary, and targeted press releases and briefings.
    • Networking and coordination with media institutions at the local and international levels.
    • Timely statements and petitions.
  2. Media Monitoring Unit
    • Monitoring Palestinian Media.
    • Research and advocacy activities aiming to reduce incitement, dehumanization and delegitimization of "the other"
    • Educating the public to become more critical media consumers
    • Fostering professionalism in the Palestinian media

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