Thursday, November 29, 2012

Please VOTE YES for PALESTINE...Please step up and support secular non-violent efforts by Palestine in hopes of ending the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Letter I just sent to my Seantors, Congressman, Representatives & President Obama

Dear  ______

Please step up and support secular non-violent efforts by Palestine in hopes of ending the Israel-Palestine conflict. 

Don't let hate mongers and cynics and crazy lunatics and Hamas sabotage and destroy Palestine's quest for real freedom and a just and lasting peace based on full respect for international law and basic human rights.

Palestinian men, women and children should not be further disenfranchised and punished because they dare dream of building a real state... nor should Palestinian men, women and children be further disenfranchised, punished, impoverished, displaced and alienated because Israel has refused to take negotiations and the Arab Peace Initiative seriously.

People can spin anything and everything a million different ways- do what you can to spin Palestine's application into respect for the political process necessary to end the Israel-Palestine conflict with a fully secular two state solution ASAP.

Show the way with real diplomacy- and compassion. Please VOTE YES FOR PALESTINE- and yes for peace.

Anne Selden Annab

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