Thursday, November 29, 2012

PBS NEWSHOUR: How Will the Palestinian UN Move Impact Prospects for Mideast Peace?

SUMMARY As Palestinians go to the United Nations to ask for more recognition, Margaret Warner talks to Ghaith al-Omari and David Makovsky about why the different Palestinian factions are seeking a status change and how it may affect tensions with Israel and longterm peace prospects.  
MARGARET WARNER: For more on the Palestinian bid for greater recognition at the United Nations, I'm joined by David Makovsky of the Washington Institute For Near East Policy, and Ghaith Al-Omari, executive director of the American Task Force on Palestine.

Welcome back to both of you.

Let's start by explaining, why is this such a big deal? You have got the U.S. vociferously opposed to it. Why is this such a big deal, first of all, for the Palestinians?

GHAITH AL-OMARI, American Task Force on Palestine: For President Abbas, the stagnation in the peace process over the last couple of years, his lack of any diplomatic achievements throughout that period, and the fact that we have seen Hamas gaining more and more mainstreaming in the region and beyond the region makes it...READ MORE

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