Friday, March 23, 2012

Palestinian National Authority... Equitable Development: Moving Forward Despite the Occupation

Welcome to Palestine,
the cradle of civilization, where West meets East, North meets South, and where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam took form.

The Palestinian National Authority has published on Wednesday, March 21, 'Equitable Development: Moving Forward Despite the Occupation', its Position Paper to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee in Brussels. [ ]

This paper sets out the policies the government will take in the latest stage of our journey towards our own free country, an independent Palestine. While Israel, through its demolition and annexation policies on the ground, is destroying the possibility of reaching a two state solution, the paper calls on the international community to step up their efforts in Area C and East Jerusalem, if they are still committed to the idea of the two state solution.

The paper declares: 'We cannot stand still. To do so would be tantamount to giving up on our quest for the state of Palestine.'

It focuses on the PA's determination to achieve '.... the rapid economic and social development of an independent Palestine, with particular emphasis on geographical areas that lie outside the so-called 'Area A' and 'Area B' in the West Bank.' This program will be undertaken, despite the Israeli army's program of demolition of homes, schools and other structures.

'We must venture against these risks in order to maintain momentum towards independence,' the paper said.

'We strongly encourage our international partners to join in this endeavor, despite the risks, and employ all tools at their disposal at the diplomatic level to enable development beyond 'Area A' and 'Area B', including the sustainable reconstruction of Gaza and rebuilding of Palestinian institutions and infrastructure in East Jerusalem.'

The Prime Minister, Dr. Salam Fayyad, sayid in his foreword: 'We are now ready for sovereignty over the state of Palestine on the June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. As we move beyond the 13th Government Program, we are mindful of the need to continue our momentum towards sovereignty and to keep the prospects for the two-state solution alive.'

Following the World Bank's report to the AHLC, which emphasizes that the Palestinian private sector is stifled by Israeli restrictions, the PA outlines the steps it will take to 'foster the economic viability and fiscal self-reliance of an independent Palestine, with a particular focus on access and freedom of movement throughout the occupied Palestinian territory and between Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.'

The Palestinian people 'cannot simply wait for the conclusion of peace negotiations to reverse this de-development and destruction of livelihoods' by the Israeli occupation. The government will press for the implementation of the National Early Recovery Plan for Gaza and the Strategic Multi Sector Development Plan for East Jerusalem, and for a territorial link that enables free movement between Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

'This will not be by any means a straightforward task in the face of an occupation regime which actively promotes expansion and economic growth of settlements, whilst demolishing Palestinian homes and public infrastructure,' says the PA's position paper.

It proposes 'substantial investment now, particularly in key sectors such as agriculture and tourism which offer the promise of early-stage economic growth and job creation, are an essential element of preparation for statehood....Jerusalem and 'Area C' are particularly rich in historical and cultural heritage sites and a destination for niche tourism, including ecological, health, adventure and religious tourism.

Investment now in the restoration and development of specific sites, including in our rightful share in the Dead Sea, coupled with the development of regionally-connected transportation infrastructure in 'Area C', could help bring in many more millions of tourists each year.'

The PA commits itself to continue to work for good governance, public service delivery, financial management, improvements in justice and human rights, anti-corruption measures and economic self-reliance.

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