Thursday, March 22, 2012

My letter to the LATimes RE Dealing with Iran isn't easy letters

Dealing with Iran isn't easy,0,4296601.story

Dear Editor,

One letter writer thinks that "Israel should annex the West Bank now, give any Arab resident who does not want to pledge allegiance to Israel rights similar to a U.S. green card, and tell the United Nations that the world's only permanent "refugees" are its problem to solve" while another letter writer hypes the equally bizarre notion that Israel is not a "religiously defined nation."

Reality check: There is no civil marriage in Israel; the institution is controlled by a religious authority, the Rabbinate. Furthermore Jewish "religious scholars" and multiple Jews-only settlement projects in the illegally occupied territories are generously subsidized by Israel, essentially forcing taxpayers here and there to fund Israel's "Jewishness" as well as Israel's ongoing impoverishment and displacement of the indigenous non-Jewish Palestinians.

Making a bad situation even worse, Islamists undermine Palestinian efforts to build support for a sovereign peaceful Palestine and a fair and just negotiated settlement to once and for all end the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Religion really should be a private personal matter, not a state funded project.

Anne Selden Annab

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