Sunday, January 1, 2012

My lettter to the Washington Post RE today's letters headlined "Missing pages from the Palestinian history book"

RE: Letters headlined "Missing pages from the Palestinian history book "
(responding to Maen Rashid Areikat's We the Palestinians)

Dear Editor,

Ending the Israel/Palestine conflict requires that both Israelis and Palestinians (and all their many various supporters) look forward- look forward to find ways to live alongside and with each other not as enemies, adversaries and scapegoats, but as independent citizens of a modern world with each person and every family responsible for building one nation or the other.

Your anti-Palestine letter writers most likely totally believe the story lines that inspire them to dismiss Palestine, just as anti-Israel activists totally believe the story lines that inspire them to dismiss peace: Obviously neither notice that injustice, bigotry, and religious extremism all thrive with the continuation of the Israel/Palestine conflict, forcing matters to go from bad to worse.

A fully secular two state solution with a sovereign and independent Palestine living in peace alongside a sovereign and independent Israel will provide policy makers, story tellers, citizens, investors, researchers, religious leaders,
bureaucrats, merchants, school teachers (..etc..) with a firm incentive to be more compassionate, more inclusive as well as more intelligent and honest about what they decide to notice and remember- and more careful and conscientious about where they invest their time, talents, and taxes.

A Golden Rule peace firmly based on full respect for The Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be a win-win situation, a beacon of hope, and a good example for the entire region as Israelis and Palestinians, each in their own way, step up to become obvious proof that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

Anne Selden Annab

Help Build A Golden Rule Peace for the Holy Land

Growing Gardens for Palestine

American Task Force on Palestine President Ziad J. Asali: "The pursuit of peace, independence and reform is not a project for cowards..."

Hussein Ibish: How national identities are really formed: "There's nothing transhistorical or metaphysical about Palestinian nationalism, any more than there is about Zionism, or any other nationalism. This is so blindingly obvious even small children should have no difficulty grasping that whatever aspects of history, traditions, myths or legends a contemporary political movement wishes to privilege, foreground, highlight or deploy in order to legitimate it's agenda, what it is responding to is not anything ancient, transhistorical, metaphysical or inevitable, but rather the contemporary, immediate needs of constituencies that are themselves modern, and indeed "imagined," and the products of recent developments, not ancient history."

This Week In Palestine Artist of the Month: Nidal Khatib

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