Sunday, January 1, 2012

My letter to my local newspaper The Patriot News RE Harold R. Piety's EXCELLENT letter "Palestinian refugees didn't [voluntarily] leave their land"

RE: Palestinian refugees didn't leave their land letter by Harold R. Piety

Dear Editor,

Such a delight and a pleasure to see the compassionate and well informed letter by Harold R. Piety regarding the fact that the Palestinian refugees didn't voluntarily leave their land.

Piety is wise to point out too that "the ancestors of many of the Palestinians might well have been Jews who converted to Islam, which recognizes the same patriarchs."

All three Abrahamic faiths are tightly tied to Jerusalem. While religion can and does bring great comfort to many, it can also do huge harm as religious tyranny, intolerance and corruption are a very real danger no matter who you are.

As Monty Python accurately quipped a while ago "No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Tax payers (here and there) should not be forced to fund religious scholars and religious schemes. Hopefully a fully secular two state solution to once and for all end the Israel/Palestine conflict will help shape a better future for all kith and kin, however they might want to define themselves as the rule of fair and just laws helps bring peace, progress and potential prosperity to every family and every community and every refugee: Israel and Palestine side by side in peace and for peace- for every one's sake.

Anne Selden Annab

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