Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dr. Aref Assaf: Whether Palestine... "We have a dream too: a place to call a homeland"

"A banner at a recent pro Palestine demonstration at the UN summed it up: "We have a dream too: a place to call a homeland".

Related: The official Palestinian position on the UN vote bid is contained in a 35-page booklet that was given to every United Nations delegation. Titled "Recognizing Palestine: An Investment in Peace" it lists four reasons the Palestinians have taken this course: acts by Israel that undermine peace, international responsibility toward the Palestinians, the growth of Jewish settlements and intensifying Israeli designs on East Jerusalem. Click here for the link. (It may take a while to download)

Full transcript of President Abbas speech at UN General Assembly According to a recent survey more than 80% of Palestinians support the push for Statehood recognition. A plurality of Americans (42%) than oppose (26%) the United States recognizing Palestine as an independent nation, while nearly a third (32%) express no opinion. "

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