Saturday, September 24, 2011

CNN NEWSROOM 2:08 PM EST September 23, 2011

HUSSEIN IBISH, RESEARCH FELLOW, AMERICAN TASK FORCE ON PALESTINE: "I think we really need to focus now on the day after, and that's two different things.

One is, making sure that aid to the P.A. isn't cut as people in Congress and people in Israel are threatening to do, which could create both a political and a security nightmare for the Israelis and the Palestinians alike, and also protect the achievements of the state and institution-building program, and the security cooperation that has brought law and order to parts of the West Bank that were formerly chaotic.

And to also use the space that's now emerging since the Palestinians are going to make this formal request to Secretary-General Ban, but not push for a vote to try to look for a Quartet statement or an EU initiative or something that can help get us past a difficult period where, because the parties are so far apart, and because we're in an election season in the United States, meaningful negotiations will be difficult to resume in the immediate future.

So focus on the ground, build there, make sure the quality of life is maintained and the security cooperation is maintained, and we can have a soft landing rather than a hard landing. And that's what everybody needs."

Transcript: CNN interview with Hussein Ibish and Jamie Rubin immediately following Netanyahu UN address

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