Wednesday, March 30, 2011

General Delegation of the P.L.O. to the United States: Land Day for Palestine

March 30th 2011

On March 30th 1976, Palestinians that remained in the newly founded state of Israel after 1948, revolted against Israeli discriminatory policies. Six Palestinians were shot dead and dozens wounded. Today, Palestinians all over the world commemorate “Land Day” to sending a clear message to the Israeli government that our bond to the land of our ancestors is unbreakable. This year, Land Day coincides with the approval by the Israeli Knesset of new discriminatory laws against the Palestinian citizens of Israel. These new laws add are compounded by similar laws that have gone into effect over the years which went unnoticed by “advocates" of democracy and human rights here in Washington. One of these recently approved laws bans Palestinians from celebrating national occasions and threatens to deny Palestinians their government privileges if they do not show allegiance to the state’s religious and cultural character, violating basic human and civil rights.

This year's Land Day should be an occasion for all Palestinians to show unity and to end their divisions. Recognizing new changes in the Middle East, there is an urgent need for the Palestinian people to rise to the challenge of uniting their ranks and confront Israeli government policies. There is no better answer to Israel's attempts to undermine our existence in Palestine but through forging a united front. The quest for Palestinian self-determination and independence must be a guiding light for all Palestinians, in Palestine and the Diaspora. It is time that we bury our differences and focus on the threat posed by shameful Israeli policy.

The General Delegation of the PLO to the United States salutes the struggle of our brethren inside Israel who are fighting for equality and dignity. We also salute the struggle of our people in the Occupied Territories, particularly in East Jerusalem, who are standing up to the Israel occupation. Finally, we salute our steadfast people in the Gaza Strip who are under siege by an inhumane occupation which prevents food and supplies from reaching them. Let this year's Land Day be the beginning of the end of all divisions and the beginning of a united Palestinian campaign to establish our independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and a just and agreed resolution to the fate of Palestinian refugees based on UNGA resolution 194.

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