Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BDS Flash Mob in Grand Central Station, NYC

1 comment:

  1. A 2009 poem by Anne Selden Annab

    ....Boycott Israel

    If you are abroad
    able to go anywhere

    boycott Israel
    in every possible way
    starting within your own self
    as in Boycott Zionist Tactics....

    Boycott the way the story is framed
    to divide and destroy

    Boycott bigotry
    Boycott violence
    Boycott terrorism
    Boycott ugliness...

    Boycott being an echo
    of all that "Israel" is today

    Boycott divisiveness

    Boycott character assassinations
    Boycott cruelty
    Boycott hate

    Boycott traumatizing children

    Boycott being an amplifier
    for Israel

    Boycott 'resistance' that mirrors
    the crime itself

    don't get lured into their dungeons
    and lost in their labyrinths

    boycott Israel


    & for Palestine
