Sunday, June 20, 2010

"They took my HOME but they can't take my FUTURE"....Today is World Refugee Day: Help us help them to find a place to call home.

World Refugee Day 2010

This year's World Refugee Day on June 20 has as its theme, "Home," in recognition of the plight of more than 40 million uprooted people around the world. Around 10 million of them are refugees of special concern to UNHCR.

At UNHCR we help people find new homes and new futures through resettlement, through voluntary repatriation and through local integration. Most of the time, and where it's possible, refugees prefer to return to their home countries. Nonetheless, and with conflict continuing or escalating in many countries, finding new homes and allowing people to restart their lives is increasingly difficult.

This year, for World Refugee Day, we are planning events around the world to highlight the plight of refugees under our care and to advocate on their behalf for the help they need. We will be asking you to think about what it means to be one of those millions of individual human beings. And we will ask you to contribute in whatever way you can to helping them rebuild their lives.

Help us help them to find a place to call home.

How You Can Help

UNHCR: Today is World Refugee Day. We ask you to think about what it means to be one of those millions of uprooted people around the globe. Please contribute in whatever way you can to help them rebuild their lives. Help us help them to find a place to call home.

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