Monday, June 21, 2010

Erekat: Israel destroying talks by razing Silwan homes
Erekat: Israel destroying talks by razing Silwan homes

Bethlehem - Ma'an/Agencies - Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat reportedly said Israel's decision to demolish 22 homes in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem reveal Israel seeks to destroy indirect talks, Israeli media reported.

Erekat called on the international community to "halt these dangerous steps" and said that the move "proves that Israel has decided to destroy the indirect talks with the Palestinians," according to Israel's Army Radio.

The PLO officials comments follow approval from the Israeli Jerusalem municipal planning committee to raze 22 homes in the flashpoint neighborhood to make way for a national park.

According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, conflict erupted during the meeting between committee members and the residents of Silwan. Silwan residents starkly objected to the plan and demanded the committee discuss their alternative plan, which does not include razing homes.

Several lawyers representing the residents spoke out against the committee's decision.

"I also want to have a park in the neighborhood where I can sit on the weekends and dip my feet in the water, but if the committee has the courage to approve a plan against the will of the residents, and to raze their homes for it, then it should have the same courage to discuss their alternative plan as well," a lawyer told the Israeli daily.

Residents have been pushing an alternative plan for the area that would see no forced evictions or demolitions, despite the rezoning of areas to allow for a park. However, the initiative continues to be disregarded by the Israeli planning committee.

Israeli authorities say the homes are illegally built. However, several reports, including one issued by the EU in December 2009, reveal that since Israel's occupation of the eastern part of the city in 1967, Silwan has received the least building permits from the Israeli municipality, despite applying, forcing residents to build illegally.

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