Thursday, March 11, 2010

My letter to the New York Times RE Editorial: Diplomacy 102

RE: NYTimes Editorial: Diplomacy 102

Dear Editor,

Israel's invasion projects in the illegally occupied territories are coyly referred to as "settlements" and "fences" and "roads" as if there is an old fashioned harmlessness to these very modern, heavily armed, interconnected cauldrons of institutionalized bigotry and injustice.

Diplomacy and negotiations regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict are not necessarily as much about getting two feuding parties to talk as it is about convincing the world and all our many various media pundits and politicians (and religious leaders), that a secular two state solution fully honoring and respecting international law and basic human rights is in everyone's best interests.

Obama needs our help- and so do both Israel and Palestine. We the people, each in our way (no matter where we come from or how we define ourselves) can make a huge difference by doing all we can to make sure the conversation stays on track and progress is made towards creating a just and lasting peace- a real peace... and a real Palestine.

Anne Selden Annab

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