Thursday, March 11, 2010

My letter to the IHT RE Uri Dromi's Will Israel Join the March of Folly?

RE: Will Israel Join the March of Folly? By URI DROMI

Dear Editor,

The March of Folly indeed... "Settlements" is too polite a word for the Israeli invasion projects funded and defended by Zionist zealots and bigots who want the land, but not the native non-Jewish population of that land.

Furthermore, Israel is wrong, and has been wrong all along to scorn international law and the Palestinians' basic human rights, including but not limited to the Palestinian refugees inalienable legal and natural right to return to original homes and lands.

Since WWII ended and reparations started, persecuted Jewish refugees who fled the Nazi Holocaust have been free and able to return to their original homes throughout Europe, as well as able to reclaim stolen property.

Every piece of stolen art reclaimed by Jewish heirs after WWII is inspiring proof that the right of return is a universal right and a civilized right... a basic human right that should not EVER be limited by a person's supposed race or religion.

Respecting the right of return does not mean that all Palestinian refugees must be forcibly transferred to Israel-proper pronto. Peace and a negotiated secular two state solution to end the contentious Israel/Palestine conflict should give displaced and fragmented Palestinian families the freedom to come and go, the freedom to visit friends and family, and the freedom to make an informed choice as to where they want to live and work and invest their time and talents.

Anne Selden Annab

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